Using random quotes from DiAngelo for target practice. He is currently a contributing editor for Rolling Stone. Baseball statistics nerds have long been arguing about whether to put asterisks next to the records of white stars who never had to pitch to Josh Gibson, or hit against prime Satchel Paige or Webster McDonald. Who thinks creating different laws for different racial categories is going to end well? On either side. This intellectual equivalent of the “ordeal by water” (if you float, you’re a witch) is orthodoxy across much of academia. Send us a tip using our anonymous form. In a phenomenon that will be familiar to students of Russian history, accusers are beginning to appear alongside the accused. Andrew Cuomo’s tweet that the economy must reopen before the vaccine is disseminated en masse. Want more Rolling Stone? The latter said Niedzviecki “doesn’t see the humanity of indigenous peoples.” Last week, Benaway herself was denounced on Twitter for failing to provide proof that she was Indigenous. We’ve been in a trend where belief and trust in the news media has been on a downward planed trajectory for some time now. For “Democrats Suck,” Katie submits New York Gov. A day later, facing intense public pressure and threats of Senate inquiry, the company relented and said it would change its policy.Twitter’s legal chief, the New York Times said, was worried that the firm “could end up blocking content from journalists,” implying that it hadn’t already done just that.The company said it would henceforth allow similar content to be … October 14, ... Google, and Twitter – under pressure from the Senate ... Matthew C. Taibbi is an American author and journalist. Michael Korenberg, the chair of the board at the University of British Columbia, was forced to resign for liking tweets by Dinesh D’Souza and Donald Trump, which you might think is fine – but what about Latino electrical worker Emmanuel Cafferty, fired after a white activist took a photo of him making an OK symbol (it was described online as a “white power” sign)? Matt Taibbi on Twitter: What people who call @ggreenwald right-wing are actually saying is that his views - opposition to monopoly, surveillance, and censorship, skepticism of secret police agencies, belief in journalistic fairness - are incompatible with … Please, I think I’ve screwed up the way my kids think about race. White Fragility has a simple message: there is no such thing as a universal human experience, and we are defined not by our individual personalities or moral choices, but only by our racial category. There is not a single baseball fan anywhere – literally not one, except perhaps Robin DiAngelo, I guess – who believes Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier because he “finally had what it took to play with whites.” Everyone familiar with this story understands that Robinson had to be exceptional, both as a player and as a human being, to confront the racist institution known as Major League Baseball. matter, among other things by hiring thousands of DiAngelos to institute codes for the proper mode of Black-white workplace interaction. Sign up for our newsletter. DiAngelo instructs us there is nothing to be done here, except “strive to be less white.” To deny this theory, or to have the effrontery to sneak away from the tedium of DiAngelo’s lecturing – what she describes as “leaving the stress-inducing situation” – is to affirm her conception of white supremacy. “For the first time in the entire four years of Trump’s tenure, I’m worried on a very severe level,” says Matt. John Sexton Posted at 6:41 pm on June 18, 2020. DiAngelo isn’t the first person to make a buck pushing tricked-up pseudo-intellectual horseshit as corporate wisdom, but she might be the first to do it selling Hitlerian race theory. If you’re wondering what that might look like, here’s DiAngelo explaining how she handled the fallout from making a bad joke while she was “facilitating antiracism training” at the office of one of her clients. First on this week’s docket is a discussion of the aftermath of the storming of the Capitol. “It’s not just his his ability to influence his supporters, it’s his unwillingness to rein them in,” adds Katie. “In July of 2017, we noticed that search traffic to the World Socialist Web Site had fallen by approximately 75 percent in the span of just a few months,” says Damon. Clad in kente cloth scarves, the Democrats who crushed him will burn up CSPAN with homilies on privilege even as they reassure donors they’ll stay away from Medicare for All or the carried interest tax break. Meanwhile books like The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and To Kill a Mockingbird, which are both beautiful and actually anti-racist, have been banned, for containing the “N-word.” (White Fragility contains it too, by the way). “All he needed to do to be seen as a hero was not sound like an idiot and read updates,” says Katie. Robinson is often celebrated as the first African American to break the color line…, While Robinson was certainly an amazing baseball player, this story line depicts him as racially special, a black man who broke the color line himself. But this is such a dismissive slam of DiAngelo. This dialogue straight out of South Park – “Is it okay if I touch your penis? 2019: A Year the News Media Would Rather Forget Corrections went out of style, bombshells fizzled, and too much of what we watched and read felt like insider propaganda Have the people hyping this impressively crazy book actually read it? Corporate America doubtless views the current protest movement as something that can be addressed as an H.R. A useful theory, if your business is selling teams of high-priced toxicity-hunters to corporations as next-generation versions of efficiency experts — in the fight against this disease, companies will need the help forever and ever. those with the least power, a group that consistently includes blacks? Taibbi was born in 1970 in New Brunswick, New Jersey to Mike Taibbi, an NBC television reporter, and his wife. According to Matt, the surname Taibbi is a Sicilian name of Lebanese origin, but his father Mike, who is of mixed Filipino and Native Hawaiian descent, was not born with the surname but rather, received it from his Sicilian-American adoptive parents. I'm unsubscribing from you after your last two posts. For DiAngelo to suggest history should re-cast Robinson as “the first black man whites allowed to play major league baseball” is grotesque and profoundly belittling. I’m surprised that number isn’t higher frankly. Writers like DiAngelo like to make ugly verbs out of ugly nouns and ugly nouns out of ugly verbs (there are countless permutations on centering and privileging alone). The parent asked if someone who didn’t care about race was “just as racist as someone who only has white friends” and asked if it was “too late” to do anything. Matt Taibbi: I'm 'Mortified And Sorry' For Rolling Stone UVA Story The tweets come on the heels of reports calling the veracity of the Rolling Stone article into question, and the magazine By The concept, as articulated in books like former corporate consultant Robin DiAngelo’s White Fragility (Amazon’s #1 seller!) By Matt Taibbi. No, you may not touch my penis at this time!” – has a good shot of becoming standard at every transnational corporation, law firm, university, newsroom, etc. We've seen so many Black people being brutalized recently and on the streets protesting for their rights, while people are sitting and arguing the merits of the latest "woke of the week" book. Become a paying subscriber Just join the free list, for now. It sees the human being as locked into one of three categories: members of oppressed groups, allies, and white oppressors. Early life and education. In recent weeks it’s been abandoned by clients and seen its lease pulled because of racist tweets made by the CEO’s 14 year-old daughter eight years ago. Why? I don’t want people like that to keep getting jobs,” one 16 year-old said. Ironically, Donald Trump does something similar, only with words like “AMAZING!” and “SAD!” that are simultaneously more childish and livelier. She was fired, of course. Plus, Andre Damon joins the hosts to discuss how censorship is bad for the left. This notion that color-blindness is itself racist, one of the main themes of White Fragility, could have amazing consequences. reduces everything, even the smallest and most innocent human interactions, to racial power contests. Taibbi’s new book, The Business Secrets of Drug Dealing (OR Books, $20) is described as “an almost true account.” Taibbi blurs the line between fact and fiction. Hosts Matt Taibbi and Katie Halper are joined by Andre Damon, writer and editor for World Socialist Web Site. Yet these ideas are taking America by storm. The book’s most amazing passage concerns the story of Jackie Robinson: The story of Jackie Robinson is a classic example of how whiteness obscures racism by rendering whites, white privilege, and racist institutions invisible.