Did the love triangle between Sam Houston, Emily D. West, and Santa Anna really exist? I feel my only love, as tho I cou’d only be calm, intelligent and happy when I cou’d hear your voice and enjoy the admonition of your wisdom! But Sam first tried for a divorce in 1833 in the Mexican State of Coahuilla and Texas – the grounds were that “a separation took place between your said petitioner and his said wife and that they have never since that time, nor can they ever, meet again.”. 4. Margaret was just 17 when she first laid eyes on Sam. But 150 years ago today, on Feb. 1, 1861, a state convention voted overwhelmingly to secede from the Union, against the fervent wishes of Gov. — Preceding unsigned comment added by 20:23, 21 May 2015 (UTC) Good question. places to stay, tourism, events, lodging, and we feature Texas Hill Country info There is a hundred reports about the cause of separation; he gave her Father a certificate that she was virtuous. In fact, there is a recent movie dedicated to the life of Sam Houston: “Sam Houston: American Statesman, Soldier, and Pioneer,” written by Houston biographer James L. Haley and directed by Denton Florian. Our It can be purchased from samhoustonmovie.com, and you can visit the movie’s Facebook page at Facebook/Sam Houston. In 1836, Texas declared its independence from Mexico. ***** Authors'Note: Long after the death of Sam Houston, a Cherokee woman arrived in … Born in Connecticut, Emily D. West was a free woman of mixed race who was kidnapped by Mexican forces while she was working at a Texas hotel as an indentured servant. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Many Texans refused to wait for Houston's policy to work and demanded that the Indians be removed from Texas. But he closed his letter with hope — “it may be that I will splice myself with a rib.”, On January 22, 1829, Sam married the 19 year old Eliza Allen at her home near Gallatin, with the Reverend William Hume, the Scottish minister of First Presbyterian Church in Nashville and a friend of Jackson, performing the service. Sam Houston Bibliography: Texas Government Many books have been written about the famous Texan Samuel Houston, better known as just Sam Houston. Learn more about Sam Houston in Veteran Biographies. Meanwhile, Eliza lived with her family, “in seclusion for a year or two – a picture of perfect woe…,” according to her relative, “M.B.H.” “She never uttered a harsh or reproachful word of the General – seemed only to pity him.” Eliza’s mother Laetitia Saunders Allen died in childbirth in November 1832 and her father John died in an accident the next April. His first marriage, to a gorgeous blonde half his age, ended quickly and mysteriously. “I have as usual had ‘a small blow up.’ What the devil is the matter with the gals I cant say but there has been hell to pay and no pitch hot!,” Sam wrote to John Marable on December 8, 1828, a few days after Eliza’s birthday. To inquire about volunteering or contributing to … It was a glorious day for Margaret to see Sam be baptized, and though she was reserved, she even shouted out in church that day. I wou’d then be a rational, cheerful, and happy man.”, Sam to Margaret | Terms of Service | Privacy Policy | Return Policy. Legend tells that Tiana and The Raven never stopped loving each other, and some have thought it interesting that Houston did not remarry until after the death of his Cherokee wife. It has won five EMMY awards, has played on PBS all over Texas, and has been recognized by concurrent resolutions of the Texas House and Senate and the Governor of Texas for excellence in historical education. Sam Houston, Nacogdoches, to James Prentiss, New York, April 9, 1835. Sam Houston, San Felipe, to Messrs Austin, Archer, & Wharton, December 19, 1835. The first ended in divorce and the second ended amicably in Indian Territory. In what battle was Sam Houston's army victorious? September 22, 1840 Before long his grief must have eased – he entered into a Cherokee marriage with Tiana Rogers Gentry in May 1830. There are expert interviews of the top Sam Houston scholars, original works of art, animated maps, and restored archival images. Orphaned and the family estate sold, Eliza moved to Gallatin with her young siblings, where Mrs. E.L. Crockett claimed Eliza was “deeply respected by all” but “had only a few intimate friends.”, Eliza never pursued a divorce, although it would have been allowed under Tennessee law to a deserted wife. To understand his desire to save the Union—at a time when many of his friends would willingly have seen it dissolved—one must realize that Houston was a loyal disciple of Andrew Jackson. Letter of introduction for Colonel James Smith. Texas … Neither would speak publicly of the cause for the rest of their lives. But apparently, much was wanting on Eliza’s part where happiness was concerned. Together, the couple were parents to eight children: four boys and four girls. Margaret and Sam were introduced to each other at a garden party in Mobile, Alabama in 1839. Is afraid he was paid more than he should have been and will repay it. Hill Country, and we welcome you to our family. Houston won the election with 79.4% of the votes cast. How many wives did Sam Houston have? But he left Tiana behind to go to Texas in December 1832. On April 9, Sam wrote to Eliza’s father about “the most unpleasant and unhappy circumstance” that had “taken place in the family, and one that was entirely unnecessary at this time…” Sam attested he “was satisfied & believed her virtuous… That I have & do love Eliza none can doubt. On April 8, his attorney W. G. Anderson wrote Sam that although the judge wanted to postpone the case “until some correspondence could be had with the absentee H [Eliza Houston]… I resisted successfully… and take great pleasure in saying that a decision was made and that hence you are absolved from the Marital obligations into which you have heretofore entered…” Sam married 21 year old Margaret Lea on May 9, 1840, and the couple would have eight children. Among of vast history and accomplishments, the name Sam Houston will appear. 5. In fact, there is a recent movie dedicated to the life of Sam Houston: “Sam Houston: American Statesman, Soldier, and Pioneer,” written by Houston biographer James L. Haley and directed by Denton Florian. Sam left for an election debate at Cockrill Springs and Eliza headed home. document.write(theYear) Eliza Allen, ca. Copyright © 2008 - Sam Houston was a 19th century politician who played a key role in the creation of the state of Texas. ***** Authors'Note: Long after the death of Sam Houston, a Cherokee woman arrived in … 7. It was love at first sight; however, Sam was under the impression that Margaret was her married sister. January 8, 1841 Mail: P.O. Do be satisfied, if you hear the truth you shall never hear of my being on a ‘spree. Of the leading figures in mid-19th century American history, none perhaps has cast a bigger shadow or had a bigger impact on a particular region of the United States than Sam Houston. Sam Houston, Harrisburgh, Ky., to Robert Brent, July 26, 1815. Let me know what is to be done.”. Her mission instead was to create “a haven of a home that would beckon him.” She did exactly that for the entirety of their marriage. What Indian tribe befriended Sam Houston? Sam Houston, Nacogdoches, to James Prentiss, New York, April 9, 1835. You will not want to move from your seat…even for a second. Sam fled to Arkansas territory to live among the Cherokee, after resigning as governor of Tennessee. The state government at the time met in the Davidson County Courthouse, and Sam spent his days at the capitol and his evenings in entertaining or campaigning. Sam Houston to the Texas Congress, Inaugural Address, October 22, 1836 Back to exhibit Sam Houston to the Texas Congress, May 5, 1837 Back to exhibit Sam Houston to the Texas Congress, November 21, 1837 Back to exhibit Sam Houston to the Texas Congress, November 24, 1838 Back to exhibit Back to exhibit Images shown at 200%. This was Sam’s third marriage. Sam Houston, Harrisburgh, Ky., to Robert Brent, July 26, 1815. Houston was a major figure in the Texan war for independence from Mexico and an important leader in early Texan history. The biographical documentary was filmed in 31 different locations across four states and some of the events shown in the film were filmed at the very places they took place. We also run the premiere real-estate site in the hill country at HillCountryRealestate.com. Ida B. Wells’ International Appeal: The 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition, Blackberry Winter & Other Tennessee Little Winters, Beale Street, Hotel Clark, and The Green-Book, Old Hickory, Gunpowder, and Lou Cretia Owen. The scandal of the Houstons’ separation spread like wildfire – Charles Love reported to Andrew Jackson that Sam’s “effigy was burned in Gallatin on Saterday night last,” April 11. It is an untold tale of the great love between he and his wife, Margaret Moffette Lea. Sam Houston has three wifes in his lifetime. Violence flared a number of times during Houston's first term. On November 8, 1840, she married 42 year old Dr. Elmore Douglass, a widower with three young girls. By the time his term ended on December 22, 1838, a majority of white Texans were ready for a drastic change in Indian policy. However, this marriage was different. Texas Hill Country. Elmore was the first cousin of her sister-in-law, Louisa Douglass Allen. The movie covers Sam’s life from birth all the way through his death. Houston and many of the other settlers were not happy with the Mexican leadership. Eliza asked before her death that all her papers be burned, any images of her be destroyed, and her body be placed in an unmarked grave. Texas Hill Country Facebook page is growing by over 1,000 fans per Sam Houston was born on March 2, 1793. The course of true love never did run smooth for Sam. In 1829, at age forty-one, former Major General and now Governor Sam Houston stood poised for a national career, as many saw him as the successor to his mentor, President Jackson. September 12, 2018. U.S. Senate Chamber, “I reflect on the chilling contrast between your embrace and the chilling embrace of a Norther, which I had to encounter when parting from you the next moment. No, it is highly unlikely. He was the 7th Governor of Tennessee and he resigned from the office after his wife left him amid rumors of alcoholism and infidelity. Houston died of pneumonia at age 70. if (theYear < 1900) This biography of Sam Houston provides detailed information about his … 1860, only known surviving image (Kenneth Thomson Collection). The course of true love never did run smooth for Sam. Samuel Houston (March 2, 1793 – July 26, 1863) was an American soldier and politician. The information about Sam and Margaret’s love affair was graciously provided to Texas Hill Country by Director Denton Florian. I lament his unfortunate situation, his hopes for happiness in this world are blasted forever.”, A week later, on April 23, Sam fled from Nashville. Indeed, I do not think it extravagant when I say that more than half of my waking hours are given to meditation about you and the children.”, “How hard it seems, that at this sweet season, I should be separated from the only being that could ever really sympathize with me in my love of nature! Austin, TX, “Oh, I am weary of public life. On April 11, 1829, Sam Houston and his bride of eleven weeks, Eliza Allen, abruptly ended their marriage. Washington, D.C. “My love, I am so unhappy while separated from you, that I feel myself most happy when writing to you. Sam Houston died on July 26, 1863, at age 70. The movie itself has received a review score of 9.9 out of 10 in iMDb as well as 24 5-star reviews on Amazon, and is just under three hours long. 8. Sam Houston had already served in the U.S. House of Representatives and as governor of Tennessee when he moved to Texas in 1832. Regardless of the settlers' opinions on the issues, they idolized the person of Sam Houston as many had idolized George Washington in an earlier era, and this popularity more than carried the day in 1836.