Privacy Policy ser: to beestar: to bepoder: can, to be able tohacer: to do, to maketener: to havesaber: to knowconocer: to knowir: to gollegar: to arrivevenir: to comevolver: to go back, to come backtraer: to bringver: to see, to watchoír: to hearescuchar: to listenvivir: to livemorir: to dienacer: be bornpreguntar: to askentender: to understandempezar, comenzar: to beginacabar, finalizar: to finishterminar: to end, to finishponer: to puthablar: to speak, to talkdecir: to say, to tellquerer: to wantcomer: to eatdormir: to sleepbeber: to drinkdar: to giveregalar: to givenecesitar: to needdisfrutar: to enjoyesperar: to expect, to wait, to hopeayudar: to help, elegir: to chooseencontrar: to findcoger*, agarrar, tomar: to catch, to taketomar: to take, to havecostar: to costsoñar: to dreamsentir: to feelprohibir: to forbidolvidar: to forgetconseguir: to getaprender: to learnasistir: to attendresponder, contestar: to answerdoler: to hurtguardar: to keepmarcharse: to leaveabrir: to opencerrar: to closepagar: to payleer: to readpensar: to thinkintentar: to try, to attemptevitar: to avoidllamar: to callllevar: to carrycomprobar: to checkconfundir: to confusepreocupar: to concerncontinuar: to continuebesar: to kisscantar: to singbailar: to dancesuceder, pasar: to happenimaginar: to imagineexplicar: to explain, estar de acuerdo: to agreeno estar de acuerdo, estar en desacuerdo: to disagreecocinar: to cooklimpiar: to cleanquejarse: to complainducharse: to take a showercepillarse: to brushpeinarse: to combaburrirse: to boredescubrir: to discovergustar: to likeno gustar: to dislikeodiar: to hatedudar: to doubtganar: to win, to earnanimar: to encourageentrar: to enter, to get in, to come insalir: to leave, to exit, to go outhacer ejercicio: to exerciseabrazar: to hugmejorar: to improveaprobar: to passsuspender: to failapetecer: to fancyreír: to laughsonreír: to smilellorar: to cryseguir: to followescribir: to writecomprar: to buy*The verb coger is used in Spain with the meaning “to catch”, but in other Spanish speaking countries this verb has a sexual meaning and they use other verbs like agarrar o tomar. Learning English becomes fun and easy when you learn with movie trailers, music videos, news and inspiring talks. The following verbs on the list are all considered irregular, meaning that they don’t follow the typical conjugation patterns and require some extra memorization. As you might expect, the rest of the verbs in this section follow the exact same pattern. Negat. A full list of all 69 reflexive verbs in Spanish can be found underneath. The most common Spanish verbs are here. 1. Schaue Dir die Profile unserer Lehrkräfte an . The regular verbs below are listed in order of frequency of use. While some are almost unrecognizable after they’re conjugated, some of them just require very slight changes. tú necesitas usted / él / ella necesita. This and the next two verbs only require the addition of an i in the stem for certain conjugations. Click here to get a copy. As you can see, the only differences between -er and -ir endings are in the nosotros/as and vosotros/as forms. The first step is to look at whether the verb ends in -ar, -er or –ir. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc, or its affiliates. Similar to English, the Spanish letter c can make two distinct sounds depending on which letter follows it. While there are thousands of verbs in Spanish, you’ll be fully equipped to survive in a Spanish conversation after mastering only 15 of them! There’s that e to ie stem change, and after that it’s conjugated as any -er verb. This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you Click on the verb to find it's full conjugation chart. However, they both end in -ar, so the endings must reflect that when you’re conjugating them. Here we have gathered 100 basic Spanish verbs that are widely used in this language. In the present tense, they’re only irregular in the first-person. Click here for the full guide. Learning Spanish verbs can be confusing if you are a beginner and you don’t really know where to start. 4.93 (40) 25€/h. Every learner has a truly personalized experience, even if they’re studying with the same video. Ultimate List: The 45 Most Common Spanish Verbs You Need To Know. Like salir, this one is only irregular in the first-person, in which traigo is used. Verb Frequency Lists. Futuro Condicional Participio Gerundio Imperativo Imp. Of course, we can’t list every single verb here so we’ve just selected the most frequently used. Except for in the first-person singular, this verb keeps it pretty regular in the present tense. You never know, the Spanish verbs list could help you save the world. (Download). Yup, the nosotros/as and vosotros/as forms are usually the ones that don’t undergo the stem change. For that reason, a list of basic verbs can help you get started with your learning. Verbs are very important to learn in every language. Look out for the o to ue stem change when conjugating this verb. – I’m tired. él, ella, usted es —“he, she is/you (singular, formal) are” For that reason, a list of basic verbs can help you get started with your learning. Start using FluentU on the website with your computer or tablet or, better yet, download the iOS or Android FluentU app. Perfect: In Spanish, verbs that are conjugated with haber ("to have [done something]") are in the perfect aspect. Based on what we explained above about verb usage, you won’t be surprised to learn the first 13 of the frequency list are in fact irregular verbs. Its conjugation is almost the same except that it has an -ar ending and another thing to note is the addition of the accent marks. H i l f s v e r b e n ser sein soy eres es somos sois son sea seas sea seamos seáis sean era eras era éramos erais eran fui fuiste fue fuimos fuisteis fueron fuera fueras fuera In the present tense, the rest of the conjugations are totally normal -ir verb conjugations. © 2021 Enux Education Limited. Verbessern Sie dabei ganz leicht und mit Genuss Ihr Spanisch: Das Ecos-Versprechen. Imperfective: In Spanish, the present, imperfect, and future … Die Verben stehen in … For nosotros/as, if the verb ends in -er it will become –emos, and if the verb ends in –ir it will become –imos. For dormir and the next two verbs on the list, after the stem is changed the rest remains pretty consistent. Irregular verbs in the past tense in Spanish. If you have mastered this list of Spanish verbs, then perhaps you should visit the Spanish words page. Conjugation … Verbs that end in both -er and -ir have almost identical endings. Estoy cansado. Plus, if you see an interesting word you don’t know, you can add it to a vocab list. Lehrkraft für Spanisch. In the first-person, present tense conjugation of the next two verbs, a g must likewise be added after the ending is dropped. The verbs you can find on this list are regular and irregular. For vosotros/as, if the verb ends in -er it will become –éis, and if the verb ends in –ir it will become –ís. Spanish * It is not possible to translate these verbs with only one word. Most often, two of the conjugations will stay regular. FluentU takes real-world videos—like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talks—and turns them into personalized language learning lessons. Want to learn more about reflexive verbs first? Im Spanischen gibt es drei Verbgruppen, die auf -ar, -er und -ir enden. Learn all the vocabulary in any video with FluentU’s robust learning engine. I’ll run you through the conjugations on this one too, but it’s pretty simple. vosotros / vosotras necesitáis ustedes/ ellos / ellas necesitan Plus, unless you’re going to Spain, there’s a good chance you’ll never need the vosotros/as form. querer (love, want) ascender (promote) atender (attend) defender (defend) desatender (neglect) descender (descend) encender (turn on) entender (understand) extender (extend) perder (lose) tender (tend) trascender (trans… In fact, I was never taught vosotros in school and have had no issues picking up on it after traveling to Spain. All Rights Reserved. So, the following words have to change depending on which letter follows the c. In the first-person conjugation of conocer, the letter o is added after the ending is dropped. Thanks for subscribing! Learn the most common verbs in Spanish. – I’m a teacher. We hate SPAM and promise to keep your email address safe, Get regular language learning tips, resources and updates, starting with the "Complete Guide to Foreign Language Immersion" e-book, Sign up for our weekly blog newsletter for a chance to win a free FluentU Plus subscription (value $240). 100 useful adjectives (A to M) 100 useful … Adrian in Basic Grammar. Click to see the most important Spanish verbs. Morir and mover have the same stem change, but don’t forget to use conjugations for -er verbs when working with this verb. Spanish Verbs List Verb Conjugation and Games. For that reason, a list of basic verbs can help you get started with your learning. Conjugation: yo necesito. Soy profesor. Learn the 100 most common verbs in Spanish in this article, which includes a list of … But we have 40 new words! FluentU is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Holen Sie sich das spanische Lebensgefühl nach Hause. You’ll learn Spanish as it’s actually spoken by real people. Lehrkraft für Spanisch. If the verb ends in -ar, the following endings will be added to what remains of the verb after the -ar ending is dropped. There are many different categories and nearly 800 words for you to learn. If you liked this post, something tells me that you'll love FluentU, the best way to learn Spanish with real-world videos. To really cement verb formations and usages in your mind, you can access real-life examples of Spanish speech on FluentU. Our list of Spanish verbs for beginners is perfect for those who are motivated to start speaking Spanish right away. Contact While this verb also has the definition of “to be,” it’s not exactly interchangeable with ser, but luckily its conjugations have similar irregularities to make them easier to remember. But you have to learn them sooner or later, and the more you use them, the more efficiently you’ll learn! Can you see which ones they are? If the verb ends in –er or -ir, the following endings will be added to what remains of the verb after the -er or -ir ending is dropped. tronar (impersonal verb “to thunder”) volar (fly) volcar (overturn) Irregular Verbs that End in Er Stem Change E to IE. This verb can be a basket case, but it’s so frequently used that you’ll learn it in no time. This is an impossible ending sound in Spanish, so a z is added before the c to make it sound more uniform with all of the verb’s other conjugations. Most common Spanish verbs you need to know. While they won’t be too different, the conjugations aren’t exactly the same for each ending. Every definition has examples that have been written to help you understand how the word is used. They’re 40 of the most essential action words to get you on the fast track to doing and communicating things in Spanish. ESTAR – to be. Just do the e to ie stem change and conjugate as you would any -er verb. These verbs are commonly used in daily conversations. Do you want to tell someone how you feel about them? Infinitive (1 st form): Past simple (2 nd f.): Past participle (3 rd f.): Spanish: abide: abided / abode DOWNLOAD THE FULL PACKAGE IN ONE CLICK: 100 SPANISH VOCABULARY LISTS MORE INFOS . Most of my readers are from the United States and are much more likely to travel to Central and South America, so it would be confusing to tell them to learn vosotros … ser - to be (essential/permanent quality) Download: “-er” verbs, such as deber (to owe), correr (to run), and comprender (to understand) 3. Click here for a ridiculously fast Spanish lesson in the 10 most commonly-used verbs in the Spanish language, along with descriptions, in-context usage examples, and a quick translation quiz to test your Spanish knowledge at the end. 40 Most Important Spanish Verbs to Boost Your Conversation Skills Regular -ar Verbs 1. necesitar Meaning: To need. Search, scroll and find the verbs in the table. It’s regular aside from hago being used in the first-person. You will also find some useful words and expressions associated with the verb at the end of each page. In this and the next verb, you’ll need to continue using your u to ue stem change. List of most commonly used irregular Spanish verbs and regular verbs in Spanish. Questions are randomized each time. ser – „sein“ yo soy: „ich bin“ tú eres: „du bist“ él, ella, usted es: „er, sie ist/Sie (Einzahl … Verbtabelle Spanisch Infinitivo Presente Pres. Free English irregular verbs list, Spanish, Espanol. But in some other tenses you’ll eventually learn, it can get pretty crazy. There is no need to cram 100 new verbs in Spanish. Luckily, a few of them have similar irregularities and can be grouped for mnemonic ease. Get our free email course, Shortcut to Conversational. Luckily, -er and -ir verbs share almost the same conjugations, so there are really only two categories of verb endings to worry about. Suche. In diesem Kapitel gehen wir kurz auf die regelmäßigen Verbformen ein und nehmen uns dann die unregelmäßigen Verben … Acting out some words can be difficult and, in some circumstances, even awkward. This handy list of Spanish verbs for beginners is printable and easy to take on-the-go to assist … More info. With the seemingly endless conjugations and irregularities, verbs can be one of the most difficult and lengthy lessons in the language for a non-native speaker. Be sure you know how to conjugate and use the 12 most common Spanish verbs. While the word saber is also defined as “to know,” these two verbs aren’t used interchangeably. "comer", "jugar", aber auch konjugierte Verben wie: "quería", "tuvo", "escribiste" etc. Playing charades to communicate gets really old, really fast. Have conversations faster, understand people when they speak fast, and other tested tips to learn faster. We also participate in other affiliate advertising programs for products and services we believe in. Learning verbs in Spanish is something that doesn’t always come naturally for new learners. You can tap on any word to look it up instantly. Core Vocabulary for Learners ” made a list of the most frequently used verbs in Spanish. In a separate post about the 10 key principles for learning Spanish, we mentioned the 80/20 rule … You need to know 'em! We have included examples of each verb in each tense. Is that you? Per Doppelklick auf das Register "Verben mit zwei Partizipien" kann eine Liste spanischer Verben mit zwei Partizipien angezeigt … The following Spanish verbs contains individual pages with a complete conjugation of that verb in different tenses. Top Spanish verbs: Regular verbs list: Irregular verbs list-ar verbs list-er verbs list-ir verbs list: Verb Practice Drills - Master Those Conjugations Try some of these practice quizzes to master your conjugations, or create your own custom drills. nosotros / nosotras necesitamos. They say beginning something new is always the hardest part, so of course this verb isn’t going to make things totally easy. Spanish Vocabulary - 500 Most Common Verbs Lists and Quizzes ... Click on any English or Spanish word from the list to see more detailed translation and definition of that word. Verbs A to C. Here are some very useful verbs to learn : Verbs beginning with A: Abrir: To open, Actuar: To act, Amanecer: Get light (sun)/ To wake up, Andar: To walk. If you’ve been studying Spanish, you’re likely already familiar with the verb ser. This and the next two verbs are irregular in some conjugations because they have a -c at the end of their stems. Spanish verbs are a complex area of Spanish grammar, with many combinations of tenses, aspects and moods (up to fifty conjugated forms per verb).Although conjugation rules are relatively straightforward, a large number of verbs are irregular.Among these, some fall into more-or-less defined deviant patterns, whereas others are uniquely irregular. Together, the stem and the ending are referred to as the ininitive. real-life examples of Spanish speech on FluentU, FluentU takes real-world videos—like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talks—and turns them into personalized language learning lessons, 19 Gestures for Talking Spanish with Your Hands, 7 Creative Writing Prompts to Learn Spanish Verb Conjugations Better Than Ever, Learn Spanish Grammar and Vocabulary with These 12 Catchy Songs, 19 Superb Sites for Spanish Listening Practice to Amp Up Your Skills, 12 of the Best Websites to Learn Spanish for Absolute Mastery, 8 Intermediate Online Courses to Lift Your Spanish to New Heights. However, remember to review their definitions, forms, and proper usage! This verb has the exact same patterns as the previous one. SER – to be. In the first-person singular, the slightly irregular salgo is used. The two verbs are commonly misused between non-native Spanish speakers, and there are a few special rules to help distinguish between them. In these forms, the -er ending uses the letter e while the -ir ending uses the letter i. This verb follows a somewhat similar pattern to ser. About us. When conjugat-ing a verb, the stem will remain while the ending will change. Same for hacer. This is an e to ie stem change. Here’s how it’s conjugated in the present tense. Each Spanish vocabulary list by theme that you will find on this page contains the essential words to learn and memorize. Lessons: using estar | estar expressions | estar conjugations Test: estar conjugations . By knowing all verbs below, you can easily communicate and express your ideas in Spanish. A lot of the verbs that are considered irregular in the present tense will also be considered irregular in the past tense in Spanish, including verbs like “caber”, “dar”, “poder”, “saber” and others. Caro. de Subj. This verb is almost regular except for in the first-person, in which it decided to do its own thing entirely. It means “to be,” and is probably the verb you’ll use most often. Learning Spanish verbs can be confusing if you are a beginner and you don’t really know where to start. Before we dive into our list, here’s a short little introduction—or perhaps refresher, depending on your current skill level—to conjugating verbs in the Spanish language. Learning Spanish verbs can be confusing if you are a beginner and you don’t really know where to start. Other sites use scripted content. Imperfecto Indefinido Imperf. “-ir” verbs, such as vivir (to live), existir (to exist), and ocurrir (“to happen”)The Der Konjugator erkennt pronominale (encontrarse, enojarse) und verneinte Infinitive . The following two verbs end in a c after the endings are dropped and end in -ir, so they’re conjugated in exactly the same fashion. This is a great list for Spanish beginners. Los verbos españoles - spanische Verben Hier finden Sie eine Auswahl wichtiger Verben, die Ihnen in der spanischen Sprache oft begegnen werden. In Spanish Level you can find lessons, exercises and downloadable resources that will help you learn or improve your Spanish. There will be many examples along the way down our list. accept: aceptar: allow: permitir/dejar: ask: preguntar: believe: creer: borrow: prestar: break: romper: bring: traer: buy: comprar: can/be able: poder: cancel: cancelar: change: cambiar: clean: limpiar: … FluentU brings English to life with real-world videos. Im Spanischen können Sie Verben auch im Infinitiv eintragen, wie z.B. FluentU uses a natural approach that helps you ease into the Spanish language and culture over time. Here we have gathered, Fill in the blanks with common Spanish verbs | Part 2, Fill in the blanks with common Spanish verbs | Part 1, Quiz about Common Spanish Verbs for beginners, Spanish Word Game: form words with the letters of “Cafetería”. Swipe left or right to see more examples of the word you’re on. The best part is that FluentU keeps track of the vocabulary that you’re learning, and recommends examples and videos for you based on the words you’ve already learned. The verbs you can find on this list are regular and irregular. Alexandra. There are thousands of Spanish verbs, but some are far more important than others. Spanische Grammatik Unregelmäßige Verben. Perfective: In Spanish, verbs in the preterite are in the perfective aspect. It’s a simplified look at the system for conjugating regular verbs in the present tense. Review a complete interactive transcript under the Dialogue tab, and find words and phrases listed under Vocab. Spanish Verb Conjugation Tables. Conocer is often used to refer to recognizing or knowing more personal things, while saber is used in cases of things considered be more universally known. 1. 4.98 (45) 29€/h. Click to learn these verbs with flashcards and see examples. Spanish verbs consist of two parts: the stem and the ending. The o/u in the stems of the following verbs must change to ue for most—but not all—of the subjects in the present tense. Easy enough to remember! The next two verbs are somewhat similar. Select other reference and look up same word in a different dictionary. The conjugations of ser don’t really follow a pattern—like quite a few Spanish verbs—and must be memorized. Please check your email for further instructions. Cookies Policy If it sounds complicated for some reason, don’t sweat it. See this isn’t so scary. Spanish; Verbs; Most Common Regular Verbs; Top 100 Regular Spanish Verbs. can take anywhere. Um euch das Erlernen leichter zu gestalten und euch dabei zu helfen, Spanisch zu lernen, haben wir eine spanische Verben Liste zusammengestellt, in der die häufigsten spanischen Verben aufgelistet sind. Important Spanish Verbs A to J. Here are 40 of the most important verbs to get you speaking Spanish sooner rather than later. Unterrichtseinheit gratis! Present Tense Regular … In a nutshell, estar is used for transient circumstances and ser is used in more static cases. FluentU has a wide variety of videos topics, as you can see here: FluentU brings native videos within reach with interactive transcripts. Spanish Level © 2021 | All rights reserved. They will be useful if you need to take an exam, or simply to revise and improve your Spanish at home. “-ar” verbs, such as hablar (to speak), cantar (to sing), and bailar (to dance) 2. Luckily, Spanish syntax is very similar to English syntax, so once you learn these verbs it will be easy to start forming complete sentences with them. This list is for Spanish beginners, and I find vosotros to be non-essential for them. de Subj. The conjugations for all these regular verbs can be learnt by learning the 3 forms for verbs ending in -ar, -er and -ir. Take a sigh of relief. Here we have gathered 100 basic Spanish verbs that are widely used in this language. Morir also ends in an -ir, so it follows the same conjugation as dormir. Visit the Spanish … In Span-ish, there are three endings: -ar, -er, and -ir. You may have noticed a regularity in all of these irregular, stem-changing verbs.