It all turned out to be fake phoney and false. Referring to America that was Founded as a Corporation. This may represent the idea that the military intends to achieve four different goals, or the individual storms may represent four phases of an operation. The watermarked block chain ballets, that were supposed to expose the fake ballets, never amounted to anything. I don’t think I believe in a deep state or fraudulent elections but I think you’re right on on everything else. Biden is the president. The troops are to hold the defendants in, and repel jail-boosters, until the trial is prepared. (6) Everything was for naught. Father God we pray that you would strengthen your hold over the red states even as we break the power of the principalities in the blue states and beyond. a. DC is locked down. After I woke, I pondered the meaning and was a little scared of the power of it all. They exist to rescue children from sex trafficking and sexual exploitation, and to pave the way for permanent eradication of it, throughout the world. We had a fair election. What a fiasco! Didn’t Pompeo say, “there will be a smooth transition of power…to Trumps second term.” 11/10/20 (never cared to much about money, property or status, but recently feel like I should invest the money I have, and I expect God to guide me in it and bless me, so all my investments will come back to me with good returns!) I pray now that Joe is not going to serve but if he does, I NEED prayer to help me be strong and to know what to do and who to trust with godly sense and guidance. That’s just the way life is sometimes. You need to relinquish your worries and let go of your old problems. What are you all reading? All conservatives are doomed and we will either be re-educated, die in prison or simply be executed. “I think of you with every waking moment of my life and dream of you with every dream that I have; I miss you.” – Kong Moua. Killing a lizard in your dream is often a symbol of inner courage and how you interact with others. My mother was with us which was also strange because she passed 4 years ago. It has not an easy task and he had helpers, but even as the tribes of Israel were against the shores of the red sea, Pharaoh believed he would get his slaves back. I am praying daily and often for all who have worked so hard to get the truth out there. Clinton, Obama, Schiff are unusually quiet. But it wasn’t a natural water source. There is change coming. In the words of Patrick Henry: For thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel; Let not your prophets and your diviners, that be in the midst of you, deceive you, neither hearken to =>> your dreams which *ye cause to be dreamed*. Before I dreamed about meeting the president I had two more dreams I like to share as well. Right here, right now, if we, in the darkest of circumstances can trust God, then we are men and women of faith. Any thoughts? Each storm may represent a person. And, I blame myself and others like me; who just sat and listened… believing that some super political hero was going to save our democracy. I lately started to study this, also in regard to the things mentioned to a new financial system. Trump tried. My two cents. And there is no example in the bible of a dream where a person privately interprets it. Why should we be happy about that? God’s move. A blue lizard in your dream means that a calmness will be part of your life shortly,  a red lizard will indicate a great passion for your work while an orange lizard is an indication that you will triumph over all obstacles in your life. Once the four storms gather all of the required water (information), they will then merge into one powerful storm, move to the northeast and begin dumping water (information). Chances are good things might come out of that strange situation. It says Q is Jr., Q+/ president T.. God bless us. About a week later, I was overwhelmed with concern for what was to come. While I don’t trust Wikipedia for much other than botanical information, they do have a list of inauguration dates ( Truman seems to be the first one that took his oath in January. Yet somehow, Q posts special messages on 8kun, right next to the other filth and porn posted there, that gives special information about the future that is somehow connected to Christianity. Thank you. Inspite of the suit, he had a baseball cap on with the letter Q, and a gold pin on it. Study and consider all sources, not just the ones that support your current beliefs. See full post here: That God’s just be performed. (1) Forever. Yes I think president Trump was kind of forced to pick vice president Pence . Wonderful dreams. Don’t give up. And may I say accurate and insightful. 🙁 So sorry this has happened and will be praying that your family can heal from this. You might be too relaxed instead of being more active in certain situations in your life. I wonder what that meant! It’s over, they have control. My biggest curiosity has been what all of you will do after Biden becomes president on the 20th. I understand that many people are loosing hope (thinking of a comment above) and I truly understand that. There is currently a massive troop buildup underway in Washington DC, ostensibly for the purpose of riot control in connection to the presidential inauguration on the 20th. Was standing on a platform that was overlooking an island quite Thailand esque. This ‘person’ was alive. You will soon understand yourself better and know how to deal with coldhearted people. LOL…Washington, DC is NOT the northeast! I’m with you, Anonymous. You will also be in a position to nurture the powers of creativity within you and this will make your current projects flourish in the months that come. Q keeps saying, “Enjoy the show.” Pence may have been playing a part. Leaders: “Subjects, do not speak out against us, or you will disappear”. If you are planning new things and new approaches to matters then do not be surprised if you see a lizard in your ream. He allows the scum to regain control. There is no coming back from this socialism/communism. Thanks for your prayers you X22 and “AWN” DOC. My thought when seeing it was, who is gonna buy this? The dreams are good .Your 2 books are great. 8. Why don’t people believe that. Why didn’t they expose the fraud? False accusations don’t help children. Have faith…pray for the covering of his wings in Psalm 91, don’t be afraid, and BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD. It went right over George’s head…. I have fought and bled for my country in the past, and I am prepared to do it again. Jeremiah 29:8 I could go on but what good would it do? He has gone Dark. (O.U.R.) Washington DC is in the northeast part of the United States. “Do 800,000 Children Go Missing Each Year in the United States?” I looked really chemical and very sugary. We’re not there yet, and my guess is, they’re gonna have a heck of a time attempting to achieve the first step, weapon confiscation.. President Trump is right, we will never be a socialist nation.. Future does prove past when things go according to plan Yes, I’m angry and I’m afraid for both myself and my country. News broadcasts have been told to allow the Emergency Broadcast. IF all of these deployments are part of a great multipart plan to root out the Deep State nationwide, I would be the first to stand up and cheer wildly like any brave beleaguered soldier seeing deliverance in any war movie — but for now, I am thinking it’s time for us to think seriously about contingency plans. I’ve been waiting for God to provide a glimpse of what may happen as we approach the inauguration on January 20th. New International Version The simplest explanation of reality is best. A dream is a succession of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that usually occur involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep. My son had a short dream before the election when he was worried about all the extra ballots: There were people gathered around watching a TV. Think about it, a demented old man with a long criminal history of enriching his family at the expense of his country is now your president. Many examples throughout the Scriptures show interpretations based on dreams of individuals that looked to God for guidance and were given the ability to understand what those dreams meant in correlation to their current circumstances. Thank You. I hopefully leave on vacation in less then a month and am looking forward to taking down my Trump 2020 flag and replacing it with the American flag. There’s a rather strong community on twitter believing that xrp will be the new (crypto) currency, and that BTC will drop to zero. Ivanka, Don Jr, Kimberly & Eric were all in some tent dancing to YMCA. They contain evil “S” & “P” Hunter videos on 1 of them. And, then, how about Trump’s sons? I pray this is true because if it’s not, we’ve lost everything. and no this isnt lack of faith or giving up, its facing reality so you know which course of battle to take. We support and defend the Constitution. It DOES matter!!! Do you believe that calling me “blinded and foolish beyond measure” proves your point somehow? Technically Trump said the “sound” of the windmills cause cancer. When freedom is challenged, it can only be restored through blood. And it worked! As far as I know Dave, you never did put much attention to that aspect, but I might be wrong. I know God didn’t give us the spirit of fear. There’s nothing “real” or positive about a satin worshipping child molesting cabal that runs the world’s governments. Conclusion. Everything that you have interpreted from 17 has been leading to this point. God Help me get through this, in Jesus Name, Amen. Wow! the proper jurisdiction for obtaining her laptop falls too either the Capitol Police Department or the FBI. Special Forces are not law enforcement, and have zero jurisdiction here to do anything like seizing the laptop of the House Speaker. Are you suddenly seeing 5:55 when you check the time or did you see 5:55 in a recent dream? 52yo. So sorry that happened to your sister and your family. thank you MMcC- God works through people and can use any and all for His purposes in living in His graces and following His teachings. Church leaders disappoint me and I suspect God. I keep wondering if something is going to happen, or if we’ve all been had and played for fools…. They are not expecting us. This a front story to justify bringing in troops. Pence pushed forward electors but with changed wording why? When they are hurting to the point they can not take it any longer, then the revolution will commence… is sad it takes that long for society to wake up. Jeff (And yes it’s my real name). A street fighter from Queens, NYC does NOT “whimper.” A billionaire, living a great life, does NOT glibly decide, on a whim, to take on the swamp. It looked like the center of a sex trafficking ring. There will be a new election 4 years from now. This may suggest that the brunt of the coming storm (the prosecution of corruption) will be directed at this part of the country, and not just Washington DC, but perhaps cities like New York and Philadelphia. The cloud then turned into a whirlpool form and it destroyed two nearby islands with multiple huge rocks/boulders coming out of it. I truly believe we are in a biblical battle of good vs. evil. There are so many moves happening that Confuses. In the second dream, I watched as many high ranking members of the military posted messages on social media. Thank you. They are the enforcement arm of the information storm. History is full of people who were misguided and believed the lies told to them when they didn’t have to. I looked around and was standing on a brand new paved road in front of a newly constructed home. Spreading fake BS with no proof or evidence is the sign of a real lunatic conspiracy theorist. What defeatist crap is this? My message was that Trump won and Biden will do whatever he has to because he is compromised. Trump is still Commander in Chief, so the military is still under the direction of his appointees – Miller, Patel, Tata, and Watnick – indicating they have deployed the military in DC. It would be better if you played your cards close to your chest from now on because you might find yourself not trusting anyone close to you. We support and defend the Constitution. Answers everything. That doesn’t mean Hillary Clinton, Obama, Biden, W. Bush, and everybody else Qanon accuses are actually guilty of it. An then there was no military intervention. There are actual real problems that need to be fixed. the most indictments that I could see was in TX, NY, PA…that is what I got from your interpretation Watch the Plane guy on the Q board; there are flights to Gitmo all day, every day. All the evidence for a fraudulent election has been debunked. I don’t understand Trump’s actions after the election. In the mouths of two or three witnesses, so it shall be established, It is not a coincidence MANY of the prophets of this age are speaking of weather related incidents. What a tragedy this has become. Will is the real “deceiver” here. Let’s just wait until the pudding is done before we judge it. Thanks Dave, Blessings for you and Denis in 2021. The proof is in the pudding. (Regarding storms brewing. Good Morning, I am very encouraged by your dreams. Maybe it just wasn’t in the cards. Will you be done with Qanon forever and you’ll be more careful about taking up new conspiracy theories in the future? I know this takes things right up to the wire, but maybe it has to be this way. It seemed an odd reminder…. Just sayin’. Scripture also says.. Why is Q nothing more than that? When you see different colored lizards in your dream, this could represent various meanings. Now I know I’m already seeing him so I’ve got the guy but a big part of me still feels like when it comes to dating I have no chance. Saw a rainbow on my way out the door, and that sealed it for me, God’s promise. You might find yourself overreacting to criticism and feel as if you are being forced into a corner. I take it back. SC Roberts heard screaming at the other SC justices over Texas suit. Hmm, wonder if the 2000 are pro-Trumpers? Trump lost the popular vote by millions as he did in 2016, but in 2020 he couldn’t pull off the same narrow victory in the electoral college as he did in 2016. The people inside would be the bad guys that they don’t want to escape. The soldiers walked slower until their movement finally stopped. When you dream about a lizard attacking this could be a sign of a loss caused by enemies. But consider. He said if I read it I would throw up. Worse, his stated goals and objectives will destroy what little is left of our Republic. So, while all the evil leaders were gathered in one place, Cyrus made short work of killing them all and ultimately, freeing the Israelites to go back to Jerusalem (or, those who wanted to). Fruit is in the action not the faith. Thank you for the work you do1 I read your second book, so the 1st book is next on my reading list. Read more: Dreams About Sharks. God is not finished yet. We naturally focus on the storms and the turbulence and take our focus off of the EYE-The Spirit, Who moves at will, slowly and with purpose, inviting us into the safety and peace in the midst of all the noise. I had a message November 8th that Trump won. h. Pro-Trump NG members, formerly detailed to conduct Inauguration Day duties, have been reassigned (optics?). PS: Source? But for now, I think Joe Biden is a genuinely decent man who truly wants to bring the country together – red and blue, black and white. So I’ve found that interesting. So gear up and prepare to enjoy the most amazing and fulfilling love life. ), Guess what January 19, 2021 is designated ? I’ve never considered myself a Q “believer”, so I don’t speak for them. There were several divers in the water. All over the web conservative sites speculated that the master of 4D chess had a plan and just at the right time his plan would execute. In 2008 the Lord showed me the False Prophet who was to become a Pope in the future he now sits on Peters throne. We no longer have a leader, we are a ship without a rudder. A look in the mirror isn’t necessary. They have really blessed me. The thesis of the series is that at some point in the future, institutional corruption will be prosecuted, and the prosecution is portrayed as a coming storm. He’s going to Biden’s inauguration and not trumps sendoff that’s all you need to know. Why isn’t she happy? Think about this Then Pence wad sent to give a pep talk to the 10th Mountain Division. I would interpret this scene as confirmation that the prosecution of institutional corruption is approaching, and it will be done by the military. “Fact Check: 800,000 Is NOT An Accurate Number Of Kids Who Vanish Every Year In The U.S.” Stay home. They are truly encouraging and enlightening. They’re a large and specialized piece of kit: they’re not something that would typically be deployed unless needed (and “show of force” is NOT a “need”). This is the third paragraph of the letter from the Joint Chiefs of Staff as written a few days ago…, “As Service Members, we must embody the values and ideals of the Nation. There will be many False flag in the coming days beware of false Patriots. To see or wear a mantilla veil in your dream represents an expression of your femininity. I plan on taking up a new hobby. Are all the Trump appointed judges part the deep state now? That imagery is the subject of my Q Chronicles books. A friend encouraged me to pick up my Bible & read. Then there was a story in Epoch Times that 2000 Nat Guard were deputized as Federal Marshals in front of the Washington Monument. Like many others, you got caught up in this insane conspiracy theory. Too bad it took you so long to figure it out. The other thing that should be realized that there has to be enough real information given to be able to carry on an elaborate ruse. There’s no hope. We are no longer a free country, we are screwed beyond belief. I was reading an amusing article about the fencing that is being installed around the Capitol. Spend your time on “real” things that add positivity to your life. He told us he tried but that things didn’t work out It’s written off as lies by the media or the deep state. However, recent events have really had me down in the dumps for the past couple weeks. The one thing that was obvious though, the land was sparsely populated and I pondered the meaning of this. He’s been doing it his whole life. (Many on the right were upset about that.) That could portray an obsession with military actions in general. All Rights Reserved & DMCA Protection. This is the link to the whole letter. We were never a democracy Barry, we’ve always been a Republic, but it seems the democrats and corporate giants are hell bent on taking that from us along with our freedom. It has abandoned us. To those people I just ask; Please do not let it make you live in fear. "Praying" is a pop piano ballad written by Kesha, Ryan Lewis, Ben Abraham, and Andrew Joslyn that features elements of gospel and soul music. Please continue to pray that God’s will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. They obviously have a threat in view that the public is unaware of. All wishful thinking! Amen. Awesome and exciting. Thanks for your reply. I just keep waiting for the television screen to go blank and hear that emergency beep on my phone. He is God’s man of the hour, not another liar. God bless you both. The Bible gives us clues about the end times. Trump will serve a second term not in 2024 but 2021. The soldiers walked slower until their movement finally stopped. Interesting note. Same with the supposed election fraud. You might need to explore different avenues of your life and meet people who will challenge your thoughts. Forbid it, Almighty God! Recap of the past ~week: Xiden will never be inaugurated. Q, et al, had to make sure that the outcome was as it was at that point. What will happen will happen. Bedtime thought: The majority of the people chose the Presidential candidate who best represented GOD and yet, GOD turned his back on us. As it approached I remember feeling scared, fearful but also in awe. Wouldn’t that give everyone plenty of time to expose the election fraud and sort this mess out so that when Donald J Trump takes his oath, everyone will understand what has gone on? I don’t know what to think about Q now. 800,000 children go missing every year in this country alone, several million world wide.. Human slavery is more prevalent today, than has ever been.. Its a multi billion dollar industry, surpassing drugs and guns.. Dave, what are the chances of your dreams still coming true after this Demon has been sworn in? I know I might be tempting for many of you to keep this Q thing going. That’s the summary of the two dreams. What would it take for you to believe this Qanon thing is all BS? Just move on. Maybe it’s always been that bad in DC and I was asleep but I don’t think so. Stay away from the news and the conspiracy theories. Suckered us all. America has gone beyond the point of NO RETURN.