Intuitive Astrology: June Mutable Grand Cross 2016. by Tanaaz. Your performance is unrivaled because you work with total calm and self-control but can still achieve a great deal. When Pluto finally reaches 27Cap helio coffee addiction, not so much. Review historical pandemic environments, and Potus Fauci quote: A Comparison of the 500 year Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn. December 11, 2004 (with chart) ... Astrology is largely a study in oppositions and crosses. Civic officials tried different things to allow that pandemic to tire itself out, with mixed results. It makes it hard for you to understand what relaxation and self-satisfaction mean. I have a Mutable Angled Grand Cross, which involves Moon/Jupiter (Retrograde)/Uranus (Retrograde)/Venus of which my only saving grace is that its not at all tight. In a Grand Cross, all four planets involved share the same “quality”—either a cardinal, mutable or fixed sign. Tim Horton natal heliocentric Synastry with 2022 Solar Return (Jan 11/12). The last two posts show a reexamination in my thinking over Grand Cross Coffee, a surprise because of square Mercury Rx 6Sco55 transit to natal Mercury 6Aqr55. Those influenced by a Mutable Quality in their horoscope also enjoy learning, play fair and are diplomatic and well-liked by others. Me and coffee get a whole lot more interesting in 2022. Quality Astrology For You Every Day from Astrologer Paul Saunders. Mutable Grand Cross. 14 Comments. It involves both squares and oppositions, demanding balance, negotiation and a need to direct the powerful energy to work together instead of at cross-purposes. This gives great potential to achieve your goals. This is indicated by a Grand Cross in Mutable signs. They let em dance, then they stop’em. You are not at all vacant, but very present, ready to act, and can define yourself clearly. 1 In Grand Cross astrology, energy is stored and collected by the oppositions like a battery. Because there are only red aspects in a Grand Cross, it gives power, will, control and self-possession. Gravity, black hole and collapse; ie. In Astrology, a Grand Cross is when four planets line up to create a cross pattern and indicates a time of change, healing and transformation. December 4, 2019, 1:15 pm EST, Miami Florida This cycle, we're being asked to embrace change, learn quickly, adapt, and work toward big dreams. Cafe Astrology. You must learn that not everyone is like you and that you must occupy a special, isolated position in society, and preferably a position where you can serve as many people as possible. A lot has been made of the grand earth trine that formed in the middle of March 2012. Plus my neptune rx 26° sagg in 2nd house makes a square with my mars and venus.. missing leg is 26° gemini. A large white cross dominates the landscape, Age of Aqr ProgMoon 1°VIR – 2°VIR, She squares Neptune today as well. The inclination of the Mutable signs is to remain adaptable and flexible. * A mutable grand cross points to a major time of transition. And most importantly it forms a Mutable Grand Cross that includes Saturn square Neptune. the heavy planets at the MC, like the Sun and Jupiter. Serving others, identifying with Oz and serving others <3. A Grand Cross includes one planet in each of the elements: Fire, Earth, Air and Water. Grand Cross (or Grand Square): 4 Planets Square To Each Other. A Grand Cross is the most difficult planetary pattern because it is made up of 4 planets all pulling in opposite directions. Many thanks, Jamie, i have this aspect, in my birthchart! Grand Cross, Yod, and synchronous Minor Trines, Synastry, Heliocentric Peoples Republic of China/ Jupiter-Saturn helio Artist Proof. This also involves the Mutable Cross you’ve maybe read about between Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, Sun/Venus (Sag, Virgo, Pisces, Gemini). If something does not work, it will be attempted again in a different way. Luka Magnotta – Beneath the surface, a thoroughly unpleasant individual. The Mutable Grand Cross individuals gain the most when they learn how to juggle their activities while maintaining a sense of consistency relative to the planetary placements in their chart. You are able to work very hard and very constantly, with great reliability and rigor, which gives you security. Activate Spica-Arcturus, which is easy since New Moon conjunct these stars. You control your energy so that you never get stressed because you take all the time you need to complete your work carefully and conscientiously. 70,580 views, Oct 15, 2020,02:00am EDT, It surprises me, seeing an astrophysicist weigh in with a word or two with a theory on the Jupiter-Saturn alugnment Grand Cross. Women in particular with a Grand Cross seem to even dislike taking up any position of power of their own but are happy to support the power of others with their diligence. For with your will, you can accomplish almost impossible things. The only planet not visible to the naked eye way little Pluto. A Grand Cross aspect pattern consists of two oppositions and four squares. Sometimes fixed ideas are problematic, especially in human relationships, where you expect those around you to work and live just as competently and efficiently as you do. Muhammad Ali – A look back at the horoscope of the greatest heavyweight boxer of all time. Uranus rx 4° sagg 1st house opp mercury 4° gemini 7th house. The high tension energy potential created is then discharged through the squares, the four sides of the Grand Cross. The energies can be blocked though, if you cannot live as you want and if conflicts are not settled immediately. The "Grand Cross," also called the "Grand Square" in a birth chart, is an uncommon aspect that many astrologers say is unlucky and a burden for life. Learning new things is often considered to be unnecessary, you are convinced that you are right and refuse to change anything. The person with a "Grand Cross" in his horoscope chart is said to be hemmed in or trapped by circumstances, have a stubborn and inflexible personality, or suffers a lifetime of multiple conflicts, each crisis … You do the work of four people! When aspects configure in certain ways, they form aspect patterns: grand trine, grand cross, yod, mystic rectangle, t-square. I get two at the drive thru, I love it so much. The Cross has a tendacy to bring the energy of indecisiveness. The planets are in cardinal signs, that is, signs of a movable nature. Warning: If caught in a riptide of feeling, don’t fight it, you will drown. It is an intense and often stressful structure needing a focus for its considerable energy into specific purposes and constructive action. A few weeks later, Jamie posts Grand Square. As I explained in the 5th paragraph of the post above, the moon's nodes are excluded when evaluating configurations of ANY kind in natal astrology. The effects of this cross have already been seen to dramatic effect and before it dissolves we may see yet more action from it. White on blue. There is a tendency to repress and to block and decisions are left to be made by fate or other people. It will be joined by the New Moon in Gemini on June 4 th /5 th! Mutable signs resist motion in a particular direction, which generates a restless energy, setting up frustration. High in the sky you could see Jupiter and Venus in close conjunction and Mars moving retrograde was clearly visible in the night sky (and still is). Mutable Grand Cross Definition of Mutable Grand Cross A Grand Cross is a planetary alignment in the astrology chart.It consists of four planets at 90-degree angles with each other and each being in a different astrological quality. Explore the astrological birth charts of famous people and celebrities with an advanced search of planets, aspects, and patterns to deepen your study of astrology. The Mutable Grand Cross that started on May 28 th and fades away in mid-June, reaches a peak over the next few days, due to the current placement of the Sun. The Mercury quincunx(inconjunct) Pluto-Saturn suggests an enormously difficult adjustment required in thinking at this time. A Grand Cross can also be viewed as two oppositions (180 degrees apart) separated from each other by a square. Now with Eunomia, Irene and Dike or Dice asteroid, and TNO Orcus and Centaur Nessus activated, a Grand Cross appears in the Synastry first edition Comedian sold / Jupiter-Saturn heliocentric Artist Proof. In astrology, a grand cross occurs when four or more planets a form two sets of oppositions that combine to form four squares. Similar: Cardinal sign, Cardinal Grand Cross, Mutable Grand Cross, Grand Cross A Grand Cross in any group of signs is a planetary alignment that appears in our astrology forecasts and astrology charts. A Grand Cross is four planets in a square aspect to each other, including 2 oppositions. chart created October 13, 2020, Synastry, Grand Cross, fist edition Comedian sold / Jupiter-Saturn geocentric Artist Proof, An article at Forbes by Ethan Siegal The high tension energy potential created is then discharged through the squares, the four sides of the Grand Cross. Some of us may have first heard about Grand Crosses, cardinal or otherwise, in 2014. Mutable Grand crosses are considered a HEALING grand cross, with the Virgo/Pisces axis very strong in this cross. On October 13 2020, Secretary of the Navy Kenneth Braithwaite announced that a future Virginia class submarine (SSN-804) will be named for USS Barb, Apple Tree/Elm Tree Synastry, Progressed Chart February 5, 1986, 33 years before Trinity. You know he is talking about it because of the language used to describe the primary axis. The Moon Conjuncts Venus at… Unaspected Planets – How do they affect you through your astrological chart? Change is all around us! An example of a Grand Cross would be with Saturn at 15° Virgo, Uranus at 15° Sagittarius, Neptune at 15° Gemini and Pluto at 15° Pisces. Grand crosses are "doer" aspects -- they're not easy to work with, but if you find a way to integrate disparate energies, you can make things happen. Home  /  Aspects  /  Aspect Patterns  /  Grand Cross. Losing strength is avoided at all costs, you entrench yourself behind what you already have. This down to earth sense of reality can be used very constructively (manual ability), and no one should try to stop you from doing this. Every time he goes on television, there’s always a bomb, but there’s a bigger bomb if you fire him.”. In the background however another formation has slowly been taking shape. Your comments and feedback are always welcome and appreciated. Cardinal Grand Cross of western (tropical) astrology. Even with the best intentions, however, you may run into quite a bit of disagreement today. Fortunately for you, there's no fixed Grand Cross in it. It usually consists of four planets (in four signs of the same quality) at 90-degree angles with each other. Tim Horton birthday synastry with my 2021 Solar Return., Grand Cross in Synastry, 1st edition Sold / Jupiter-Saturn Artist Proof Fixed Stars – The astrological meanings of all the most important stars in our night’s sky. This is a mutable Grand Cross, which is said to be especially difficult with respect to the problem of maintaining focus in communication. That grand trine saw the world markets soar but also saw the horrors of the terrible bus crash which killed 28 children in Switzerland on their way back from a skiing trip. This is a mutable grand cross based around the Nodal Axis. It is important to keep in mind that each of these three stages is general in outline and is composed of many graduations of expression. Talk about making lemonade out of lemons! This causes you, consciously or unconsciously, to put pressure on your work colleagues and partners. Move’em. This also involves the Mutable Cross you’ve maybe read about between Saturn, Jupiter, … Rudhyar: A Grand Cross in the Jupiter-Saturn Geocentric, Artist Proof. So I’m visiting and reading the plaque and I done near have a heart attack. The heavens perform for US on election day.. and NASA, out there with other life. Explore the astrological birth charts of famous people and celebrities with an advanced search of planets, aspects, and patterns to deepen your study of astrology. It’s a test to find out whether you are strong enough, whether you have integrity, whether you make authentic decisions about your life. They know how to squeeze that last drop of juice and make things better in the process. “He’s been here for 500 years,” Trump said. But Alexander Hamilton Grand Cross shows up right away with the same Planets, and Calculated points, so how can we be scared, right? You cannot cut yourself off at all from your inner truth, even if you do everything for other people or identify yourself with others. Grand Cross, Synastry, Election 2020/Natal, Activate peak fraud (pink Floyd) asteroid 19367. This formation is now in place and will stay in range into May. Just activate those two and use December 4 as your transit date. And the term Electromagnetic would not be used if the Vertex and DSC didn’t align, as they do, Electro (Asc-Dsc) and Magnetic (Vertex). A helio chart, Earth and Moon only a sextile to Mercury. Below, get details on what it means if you have Cardinal Cross, a Fixed Cross, or a Mutable Cross in your chart. Remember Dancing plague 1518? Mars rx 0° libra 11th opp venus 0° aries 5th house. The power and dynamism of the red aspects are molded into a fixed form, making their presence felt. You love contradictions and know about the polarities of the world and live accordingly. The usual danger for them is stubbornness or inflexibility. By Leo Knighton Tallarico We are experiencing an important New Moon in Gemini on June 4 at 11 PM EDT. The Mutable Grand Cross reminds us that nothing is ever set in stone! Paul Saunders, dob January 12, 1918, Mercury Retrograde January 30, 2021 – Damocles Syndrome, Full Moon January 28, 2021 – Anger Management, Venus Conjunct Midheaven Natal and Transit. Recognize any patterns in your life? Asteroids aren't counted in them, either. (More on the New Moon later this week) Action can reach a deadlock during a Grand Cross, as four dueling agendas demand a seat at the table. The "Grand Cross," also called the "Grand Square" in a birth chart, is an uncommon aspect that many astrologers say is unlucky and a burden for life. I’ve had my share of Coffee over the years, especially the last couple. China in the news, wanting Rectification of something or other. In esoteric astrology the Three Crosses indicate the three basic levels of human development; as opposed to the manifestation of the triplicities (Cardinal, Mutable, Fixed) of the Signs. although I understand the Royal Family has a sense of humour, to go with their sense of history, the Astrologyking anti-crypter has planned something. There are three different types of these signs: cardinal (movable), fixed and mutable. The Mutable Grand Cross reminds us that nothing is ever set in stone! Grand Cross and Solomon Seal, perfectly symmetrical, Jupiter top of chart. If you do appreciate the work that I put in, then please contribute a small donation (donations are in GBP/ £1 = approx 1.20$) to help keep the site up and running. Here is one astrological representation of the Cardinal Grand Cross. Change is all around us! Compare your chart to the Grand Cross examples given: They do not want to be leaders but will serve as role models for those around them. In this specific aspect, two planets are in … As a stonemason chisels a statue out of stone by chipping away indeterminably, you can be so tenacious and persistent that once you have started a job you can finish it in one go without a break. The Cardinal Grand Cross that peaked on April 23of that year was the whole talk of the astrology blogosphere throughout the months leading up to the event — and for some time afterwards. You may actually hate the work that has to be done, but you are magically attracted to it and forced to deal with it. But you have a great deal of available energy from two almost inexhaustible batteries that are constantly recharging each other. You often trust your own willpower so much that you don’t see other possibilities and advantages and get stuck in habitual work processes. I would actually recommend the creation of a brand of coffee based on this overall intelligence. Fixed Grand Cross. Problems can arise with work that has to be done by other people. The effect of this figure is similar to a revolving door or a turntable, hence your ability to change the direction of a force and suddenly to change from one world to another or to change your mind. Bennu and the Jets. It is important to keep in mind that each of these three stages is general in outline and is … As an active and very determined person, you could make a good manager, director, or a powerful decision-maker or adviser who operates behind the scenes, one who pulls the strings. There is a mouse in the bushes, not a sabertooth tiger. ... Libra and Capricorn), the fixed cross (consisting of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) and the mutable cross (consisting of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces). Usually a Grand Cross occurs all in one quadruplicity or mode. In both mutually dependant opposites lies the wisdom that it ultimately does not matter which opposite you deal with. First coffee shop just up the street. Aldebaran and Antares sit on the Justice axis. “You can correct your thinking on a number of issues without too much difficulty now. My progression sun is 20°+ in gemini 7th house. 1 In Grand Cross astrology, energy is stored and collected by the oppositions like a battery. While the lasting effects of a previous process, project, person, place, or entire era of our lives are coming to a close right now, the seeds of the future are being planted. Ok, pretty heady stuff. Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto were involved. I know what you’re thinking. Pluto now moves out of orb with Pallas, but Juno creeps in to take its place. You measure your worth by your toughness, your stamina, and the responsibility you have. The Mutable Grand Cross that started on May 28 th and fades away in mid-June, reaches a peak over the next few days, due to the current placement of the Sun. Old Tim is born January 12, 1930! Angular, symmetrical Jupiter-Neptune natal square. These planets are also usually related by mode (Cardinal, Fixed, or Mutable).This is a difficult configuration, but there is usually great strength accompanying it to endure and develop character. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Full Moon February 27, 2021 – Rule Change. “What Would We Experience If Earth Spontaneously Turned Into A Black Hole?” This site takes a lot of love, time and effort by myself to keep it updated. Governor General of Canada job vacancy. She squares Neptune today as well. The Hubers call this tense configuration an Achievement Square or an Efficiency Square. In the best case, you serve as an example for an increase in performance. In Solar Return charts of the future, it will be Pluto transiting out of the Square to Tims Pallas Athena that breaks or weakens the birthday coffee tradition. In this case, letting go means losing security, which makes you feel anxious about losing control of your own energies. It will be joined by the New Moon in Gemini on June 4 th /5 th! I may be just the candidate, or the polar opposite, who knows what plans where, when, why or how?. Note: orb is taken down to 78% to filter out other quincunxes. Every sign of the zodiac is either cardinal, mutable, or fixed.. Mutable Grand Crosses make life feel more fated, with a 'go with the flow' … The rare and intense Grand Cross occurs when four planets align in stressful 90-degree angles (squares) with each other. This is a mutable grand cross based around the Nodal Axis. The Grand Cross astrology has a karmic character and has also been called the “Karmic Cross”. Hence the title "Grand Cross". With our times, this is a hot comparison… Look at Venus and Uranus alignment! I have a mutable grand cross: 20 Pisces ASC, Saturn/Chiron conjunct it, 20 Pluto/23 Uranus conjuncts at 20 Virgo, 22 Gemini Moon conjunct IC, 21 Sagittarius conjunct MC. If you wish to contact me or have any queries about astrology or anything you see on this blog, please get in touch. You take life very seriously, sometimes too seriously. Astrology Charts for People with a Grand Mutable Cross. Exact at 10:59pm on Saturday night, the Moon at 14:53 Gemini Conjuncts the Sun. In the background however another formation has slowly been taking shape. The perfect symmetry of the Grand Cross astrology makes you calm, balanced and unflappable. Mars conjunct Regulus – A test of strength and resolve. They possess the ability to keep others’ spirits up. Again, like the T-Square, the Grand Cross has the characteristic of one of the modalities: Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable modes. The 15th degree of fixed signs – The “Avatar Degrees” and their significance to us all as 2018 begins. Grand Cross . I have a so-called mystical triangle in my natal, only i dont know much of it. Breaking point! This does not necessarily mean that you are wrong but that you should reexamine your position”. Oppositions in mutable signs (Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, and Pisces mutable grand cross) face inter-personal adaptation difficulties, in the sense that they are too impressionable or that they lack determination. Spiritual Physicality: Mutable Grand Cross As we move out of May and into the beginning of June we all get a chance to experience a Continue Reading Third Quarter Moon The lunar cycle it begins will stretch through Mars going Direct on June 29. Thankyou, I have 2 grand crosses in my natal chart. You may become disappointed and embittered if your potential is not recognized by those around you, or if you do not achieve your goals. In a Grand Cross, there is one planet in each astrological element (fire, earth, air and water) but all the planets … Submit your resume… or your astrochart? Guess its a bit hairy over there dealing with a Religion Ghost year. If things are put off, then it is hard to make a second attempt. This pull creates a tremendous amount of tension in the person’s life and forces them into activity in order to try and resolve the conflicts between the planets. The Grand Cross remains intact. With a Grand Cross, everything is possible. Similar: Mutable sign, Fixed Grand Cross, Cardinal Grand Cross, Grand Cross A Grand Cross is a planetary alignment in the birth chart.It consists of four planets at 90-degree angles with each other and each being in one of the 3 astrological qualities. Rich dark brew, every 8 of 10 are Tim Hortons. Warning: If caught in a riptide of feeling, don’t fight it, you will drown. Two reciprocal Yod’s with Star apexes, and a Golden yod with Pluto apex. The high tension energy potential created is then discharged through the squares, the four sides of the Grand Cross. Mutable people are blessed with a tremendous resourcefulness. I own first editions of Astrology for Everyone and Your Place Among the Stars by Evangeline Adams ... Memphis-born actress Kathy Bates has a mutable Grand Cross that involves a whopping seven planets and all four angles of the chart, incorporating her sun, Mercury and Venus in cardinal Cancer. chart created September 9, 2020. In Astrology, a Grand Cross is when four planets line up to create a cross pattern and indicates a time of change, healing and transformation. (four-squares). Astrology Charts for People with a Grand Mutable Cross. Please e-mail to, The hidden mutable grand cross of Spring 2012, All My Previous Posts and The Complete Site Index, Chart Guide - Planets, Signs, Houses & Jargon explained. Remember him? A Grand Cross aspect pattern consists of two oppositions and four squares. Grand Cross in the first sold edition, Comedian One of the reasons the June New Moon is Gemini is so potent is because it will activate a Grand Cross formation in the sky. Prince William and Kate Middleton – An astrological study of the royal couple in waiting. Venus is also part of the Grand Cross too, see it in Cancer? Often, life demands that expectations are reduced, which can be very painful. chart created October 13, 2020, Reference That grand trine saw the world markets soar but also saw the horrors of the terrible bus crash which killed 28 children in Switzerland on their way back from a skiing trip. That’s what the Mutable Cross feels like to me: Venus in Gemini, Mars in Virgo, Neptune in Pisces, and the transiting Node in Sagittarius. Grand Cross! Wow Jamie, reading this is so spot on. On October 13 , the Synastry, Grand Cross, first edition Comedian sold / Jupiter-Saturn geocentric Artist Proof was posted. Many great prospects. This is the reason why we classify this particular pattern on the basis of the mode in which the planets are found: we have Cardinal Grand Crosses, Fixed Grand Crosses and Mutable Grand Crosses. It was like a cosmic standoff between giants— the Uranus/Pluto square had been within orb of influence for several months at that point; Mars bac… Jupiter conjunct Nadir, “Thunder Below”, wiki ref Me, Edwin Learnard talking about having a Mutable Grand Cross configuration in a natal chart. “He’s like this wonderful sage, telling us how — Fauci, if we listened to him, we’d have 700,000, 800,000 deaths. Grand Crosses are powerful and in June 2016 we are all going to be working with the energy of this Grand Cross for most of the month. But I do understand about the universe sending people to act as guides. Sagittarius Ascendant - The Ultimate Astrological Guide to Your Horoscope in 2018, Cancer Ascendant - The Ultimate Astrological Guide to Your Horoscope in 2018.