According to Anasazi Animal Clinic, you may see a change in female dog aggression after spaying. Since unspayed female dogs sometimes compete for a male dog's attention by fighting, spaying can be a practical way to eliminate this behavior. Today theres a hint of the smell there again, not bad but still in the air. @JACLOU-DL / Pixabay. My 9 year old spayed female dog has developed a smelly fishy odor and has a clear wet discharge. After being spayed, female dogs may be less aggressive toward dogs and people. This smelly discharge usually only happens once a month on and off for several days. It's definitely good advice. Female dogs can indeed scent mark post-spaying. She is eating and drinking just fine. My dog was spayed 4 days ago she now is whining and carrying around a toy trying to bury it and crying over it, is - Answered by a verified Dog Veterinarian We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. Most people believe that these changes in behavior are positive.Research studies, however, disagree with this idea. A spayed female dog that humps does it to show dominance over another dog or as a natural part of play. If you think it is a uti what human antibiotics are used? Dogs can smell like many things, depending on what they have most recently rolled in, but one of the more unpleasant aromas dogs commonly develop is one of fish. Female dog with bad odor bossongal ... She has had this problem since I got her at 6 months, which was right after she had been spayed. If your pooch has been spraying for a long time, it might not be easy for her to just stop on a dime. Shes not sick in any way and is in great form. I never really looked at her vagina before but it odes not appear to be red or inflammed but the opening looks larger than I would imagine it should be. Spaying your dog gets rid of these cycles but also changes some of the other behaviors in your dog. Do Female Dogs change after Being Spayed? Female dogs have cycles of arousal referred to as being in heat. Changes in Female Dog Behavior After Spaying It was pungent yesterday so my husband gave her a shower and scrubbed her. a contract with a breeder that requires spay at a prescribed time after purchase of the female dog; Alternatively, many people acquire their female dog after she has been spayed and rely on the assertions of shelter staff that once out of the stressful shelter environment and secure in her new home, she will calm down and be better behaved. Shes a ruby Cavalier King Charles. Id expect off a dog that was in heat but likr I said she was spayed about 3 months ago The personality of a dog will not change after the surgery; this is an old wives’ tale. What will change, is that a female will not go into season again? Less aggressiveness: A female dog may be aggressive with other people or other dogs before being spayed. You've purchased your first female dog, and you've been advised to wait until after her first heat cycle to spay her. Female dogs, whether spayed or not, do not hump as a sexual behavior. Humping is a sexual behavior for male dogs, especially for ones under one year of age that have not been taught that it is inappropriate. If you suspect that your female dog is having a complication from their spay surgery, get her back to the veterinarian as soon as possible to prevent any further damage or worse issues. Less urinating: When a female dog is in heat, she will want to get the attention of male dogs.She does this by frequently urinating and in as many spots as she can, to lead male dogs to find her. Spaying a female dog calms down those racing hormones, but if the surgery is performed on an animal who is so used to those feelings and the routine of heat cycles, the issues could continue. Spaying your dog can stop this habit because she will no longer be in heat. You're being a responsible owner and keeping her contained on your property and supervised at all times to prevent an "oops" breeding.