Answer: Most silkie chickens live 7-9 years, but they sometimes live longer with extra care. Participation in the discussion group is free to any silkie fancier registered with the discussion group, not just American Silkie Bantam Club members. It can sometimes be difficult to see the combs and wattles against their black skin, but I think it makes them look really cute. Either way, she sounds cute! Alisha Vargas (author) from Reno, Nevada on April 18, 2013: @anonymous: That's wonderful that you were able to save her! Neither of those work for Silkies. forming underneath. Be sure to check out the website of the club secretary, Friedel Schwager. Some groups are solely online, others are by mail, and a few are groups that regularly meet. In other countries, however, there are two sizes of silkies: one that is a bit smaller than ours and a standard version that is a bit bigger than ours. Wow, thank you for using your skills to put together this awesome lense! Answer: Chickens respond well to training when they get food treats after they do their tricks. He was a pajama rooster, very cute. I already had one silkie chicken. It is sometimes difficult telling them apart, but bunnies and silkies get along great. It is not uncommon for Silkies to have this happen, but luckily chickens have great recuperating powers, and if helped to eat and drink, eventually they will usually recover. Their easy-going and mild personalities, in addition to their hardiness and pretty appearance, make them easy to care for. The chicks are then moved to their new home in the coop. Silkie Breeders Yahoo Group is for breeders and exhibitors. Male and female Silkies tend to look very much alike far longer than other breeds of chickens. The list includes members from Europe, Australia, and a few other places. So for example, as their head feathers are lost you should notice pin feathers that are ready to grow in. If you are keeping them as pets, it doesn't matter how many toes they have. Just silly birds! Feathers, Frequent or incomplete molts ... Gait, Ataxia. Their skull projects upward instead of being as rounded as most animals' skulls. There's a lot of debate over whether to keep silkies with other chickens. We had two young silkie roosters that competed with crowing so we sold one, but now the other has stopped crowing all together. You have some great recipes here, information on building a Chicken Coop. When the wether is about 100 degrees or above, they will need extra cooling. Sometimes it even kills the Silkie. Question: At what age do Belgian Splash silkies get their spots? Chickens' legs and feet are thin and featherless (at least most breeds are), so therefore they lose heat rapidly. Although their origins are shrouded by time, we know they originated somewhere in China or Asia a very long time ago. When a chicken molts they lose their feathers in a predictable pattern, most of the time. American Silkie Bantam Discussion Group is a free email list. Each one was trying to outdo the other to show that they were the top rooster and determine flock hierarchy. nice lens, I like it, please see my lens and comment if its okay, 'smile'. The signs … If we look at a single chicken feather, typically we will find thick hairs growing on either side of the main shaft. My favorite is when people describe them as fluffy slippers with feet. It all depends on the breeder's personal preference. Thanks for sharing a lot of great info about them, keep it up. I really like the way these chickens look, I guess this breed of chicken makes for a great house pet. They also have dark, purplish-black combs and wattles. When a Silkie is pecked at the right spot on its head, it can cause brain damage, leaving the Silkie unsteady, off-balance, walking in circles, or with its head cocked to the side. To contact them write c/o Secretary, Sue Scott: 6 Colville Rd; Yellow Rock, Australia 2777 or email them at It is important not to help them while they are hatching since doing so can cause them to bleed to death. Ah, just have to get a little acreage first though. You should also ensure that they will get along. Some people even leash-train them. Location of missing feathers and possible causes Head – others chickens pecking, other hens asserting dominance, molting, lice Chest -broody hen, molting A safe enclosure to protect them from predators. so I was wondering if you had any suggestions...or maybe you know of another kind of chicken that would be more useful? Silkie fanciers of all degrees of knowledge and expertise are welcome. While the pin feathers are growing in, try to avoid handling your birds-It is painful for them to be picked up at this time. It's part of being a chicken. This gives them a more beautiful crest, but can also be a source of danger. Adorable! But often, it is better to just let her be broody and give her some eggs to hatch. what is the scale of feed for silkie (age wise). So if you want a chicken just for the eggs, it may be better to get an egg-producing breed, such as a White Leghorn. If their feathers are black, then the black skin underneath makes the feathers look blacker. If they're all the same length, then it's a male chick, but if they vary in length, it's a female chick. If you mean like when someone is cutting up a frying chicken, it would be the same as any other chicken--wings, thighs, breast, drumsticks. Dark skin is an important breed characteristic, but wattles and combs vary a little bit. As you may already know, chickens produce more dust whenever they're growing in their feathers. Some people find their chickens start molting from the head and neck area first. But silkie breeders have to work hard to make sure their chickens have the right number of toes, otherwise they will get disqualified at shows. you can email me at thanks :). Red skin and blood naturally draw attention. Question: How long do silkie chickens live? The individual feathers, hence, wisp around which makes silkies look messy and furry. Also, make sure there is always plenty of food as shortages can also impact egg-laying. Press her back against your chest with one hand, then use the other to slot a finger on either side of her legs. They will lose their feathers near their head at first and this will eventually spread down to their tail. You can make your chickens think it is spring all year long and encourage egg-laying by providing supplemental light to increase the "daylight" to 12 hours a day. They do not eat… Two day ago it happen again , I found a beautiful paint hen sitiing on the floar , I took her , didn’t move , while I was holding her she start shaking and died. They do this to reduce heat loss and to warm up one foot at a time, tucking it into the feathers on their abdomen, and then switching feet. Down feathers are thos with no hooks and have a fluffy apperance. Young silkies also go through periods of molting as they grow and gain their adult feathers. Question: What antibiotic ointment can be used in Silkie eyes? However, when chickens are regrowing their feathers, they can look a little red, because they contain a vein filled with blood. Answer: Possibly, it depends on how the black is laid out on the white. Good show chickens and some pet-quality silkies have skulls that are actually arched up at the top of their heads which leaves a vulnerable spot. Does this sound like I’ve been sold a male or should I be concerned about a health condition? Underneath this little mound of hair lies a vaulted skull. Regular Neosporin (without pain reliever) will work. Rabbit hutches make adequate enclosures for a couple of birds, but it is a good idea to build an attached run onto them and make sure that the bottom of the cage is not completely wire as that can irritate the birds' feet after a while. I especially liked their black/blue skin. She is looking like a small turkey. The little ones in the picture had all been raised together and were the best of friends. After that, the sky is the limit. I've been a contributor to many sites including eHow, Xomba, Helium, and HubPages. Always make sure other chickens are not picking on silkies as they are easier to injure due to this trait. 8 Chicken Breeds with Feathers on Their Feet - The Hen's Loft Answer: All chickens scratch. Do they have snotty noses or coughs? Dark or bloody poops mean they might have coccidiosis. Molting usually begins at the head and neck and proceeds down the back, then to the chest, wings, and lastly the tail. This can sometimes be a problem if they regularly walk into muddy areas or have a non-wired cage bottom. Gait, Difficulty walking. It is called a vaulted skull and makes their topknot feathers fluffier. One of the reasons why chickens peck at each other is because of the natural texture and appearance of some of their features like feathers. Most hatchery-breed silkies are lower quality, and the majority of them have improper toes. The bald spots are populated with the new ‘pin’ feathers. Sometimes I run across a show that has these silky chickens on them. Those lowest in the pecking order may have bare spots on their backs or their heads. Thanks so much for all this information. It's always best to place perches low so they can get up and down without straining themselves. If another chicken gives the silkie a good, strong peck on top of its head, it can actually cause neurological damage or even kill them. Whatever you do, remember to consider predators. While it says on the package not to get in eyes, it was actually recommended to me by an eye doctor and has the same ingredients as the one for eyes. Austin area, Texas I don't know, but your question made me think of a little white toy poodle, just back from the groomer, with a bow in her hair. They have an oval abdomen with a triangular head, and escape from host preening by remaining in the head feathers of the chicken, since the bird cannot preen their own head with their beak. Appreciated! Each hen will vary though. Answer: How many body parts total? :). Some people can look at the wing feathers in newborn chicks and use those to determine male and female. As long as food-safe colorings are used, it doesn't hurt the bird and is really fun. These chickens … If they hurt the girls it is usually by scrapping their sides and cutting them. Silkies are a chick breed recognized by the American Poultry Organization. They can easily get caked up on a chicken’s foot feathers. There are far more predators around your house than you think. Mites on the other hand cause feather loss in an unpredictable way. My hen is about 8 months old and still hasn’t laid an egg. The feathers that cover their bodies are silver with three pencil markings on them. Dust is created when the shafts protecting the feathers flake off as they grow out. Question: I have a grey silkie about three years old, I've noticed she has a large growth or lump on the top of her head, what could this be? This color variation is likened to the color of yellow wheat. It's better to set them down gently. Rumpless. This list is for serious silkie breeders and people interested in exhibition. It is most often evident when the chicken has a twisted neck and a low-hanging head. Nice lens. Question: How did you train your silkies? Answer: Silkies have a unique skull structure. Goniodes dissimilis, G. gigas, G. hologaster, and G. abdominalis: These are referred to as the "brown chicken louse". If you want a mix of chickens, it is best to raise other breeds with silkies. Silkies have feathers growing on their feet. The most important difference is dealing with the poofy feathers. Question: What would cause a 9-month-old silkie chicken to suddenly not be able to walk or stand? Answer: Some Silkie roosters don't crow much. Also, because silkies are bantams, they're small enough to easily house. Chickens peck each other, and as we all know, pecks can hurt and draw blood. They pin the crest back using a hair tie. Their heads are usually silver with their hackle’s feathers silver laced. Depending on the outside temperature, this may be delayed until spring when it will be warmer for them. If kept caged, it's a good idea to create a mini dirt puddle in an old box using either sand or dirt. Question: How many body parts does a silkie have? Hold onto her legs with that one hand as you sort of tuck her under the arm of at hand. Nice that you have put together so much interesting dialogue about them. This morning my rooster did not crow. Great lens! Answer: I've never heard of a Belgian Splash Silkie. These birds are sweet and friendly, and they make wonderful pets for just about anyone. Do silkies ever NOT have feathers on their legs? When the chicks are finally out of their shells, they are left in the incubator until they are dried and fluffy. Soon many chickens … Another possibility is a disease. I have 3 silkies that are now almost 13 weeks old and i am trying to figure out if anyone can tell if they are hens or roosters. Silkies aren't well known for their flying. . Silkies make absolutely wonderful pets for most people. Springtime is the time of year when there is an outbreak of feather growth, but the main time for molting (losing feathers and replacing them) is in the fall. With limited vision, it's very easy for them to roam too close to predators and be surprised by an attack. Laurel Johnson from Washington KS on March 19, 2012: Loved the lens and learning about Silkies. At best, it's usually more of a controlled fall, though some don't even do that well. Their basic needs include: They are actually surprisingly hardy considering how fancy and delicate they look. Most breeds do fine with silkies if given enough room to avoid each other. This can trigger the troublemaking peckers in your flock. If they are used to being handled, silkies will often let you do just about anything with them. Sometimes predators will scare them to death, even just by walking around the coop. Those fur-covered chickens were not a rarity or novel thing back then, so we can deduce that they had most likely been around long before the 13th century. Question: My silkie (grey) has a beak which is starting to go a bit red and a bit of a wattle (I think?) My friend used to have three silkies and I always thought they were adorable. Why is that? I'm getting 3 red silkies this evening ... i'm excited ;-), They are sooooo adorable!!! These eggs are on the small side because silkies are bantams, but they still taste just as good. This means that if they get pecked in the head it can cause them to have enough damage that they lose their balance or can't stand. With Silkies, it's also important to trim their feathers around their eyes as that is usually the cause of the infection. They'll make their own spot, if allowed, near the dirt. Chickens pant to cool off, but they don't sweat. It is nice to pin back or trim the silkies' crests so they can see better. They should be mulberry in color, but it's not uncommon for hatchery birds to have poorly-shaped combs. It looks like a living cotton ball when walking in your backyard. Silkies lay eggs that are slightly tinted with brown. Wheaten Color Variety. Silkie hens are often wonderful mothers. As chickens begin losing feathers it’ll start with their head feathers, down to their neck, and in sequence all the way to their tail feathers. Just remember, usually chicken genders are about 50-50, so if you have four chickens, probably two are pullets and two are cockerels. This also helps keep them warm before they move to a box where they have chick feed, water, and a heat lamp. However, the link is to an "unofficial" page with some useful information about silkie breeders in Australia and the Silkie Club of Australia. It leaves them with a skull that is a bit open on top and so it is easier to damage through other birds pecking on them or even just being born with a cerebral hernia. Some people like the added fluffiness that the beards add to the chicken's face and others do not. Silkies are generally as easy to raise as other breeds of chickens, but there are a couple differences. You might notice your chickens standing on one foot during the day in the winter. It's unlikely to be the roosters. Just hatched silkie chick drying off in the incubator. Eventually he should start crowing at least a little. This makes a very striking pattern on the chicken. Example of pin feathers Also, keep them away from dusty bedding and be wary of chickens attacking them while their eyes are hurt. A blood feather is a feather growth that takes 5-7 days to start to open and grow. Silkies, with their mild personalities, passive attitudes, and impeded vision, are extremely vulnerable to bullying by other chickens. But if you are unable to do so ensure she keeps eating and drinking well since not being able to get to their food and water is usually what ends up killing them and more water may help flush potentially-paralyzing bacteria from their systems. This can be a problem if you learn to expect a lot of eggs from your silkie because she will stop laying when she is being broody. The roosters often make good daddies anyway, and the extra rooster can help watch the chicks too. Your email address will not be published. I think I want a Silkie now! In the above picture, the little silkies and their rabbit pals are enjoying the nice spring weather while playing in the sunshine together.