Simply pour tap water in and it filters the water. You can refrigerate and have filtered, cold water … Chlorine in Tap Water - Why Use a Bath and Shower Filter? Alternatively, you can run an outdoor faucet to see if you can detect the smell of chlorine in the water. Thank you for your website and effort." We are in our sixties and in very good health. well, better health now that we drink about 2 liters plus of water each day. You can either test your well water with a chlorine tester from a local swimming pool supply or just wait till the chlorine is barely detectable with your nose, at which point it should be safe for drinking. For those of us who don’t live in these cities, there are a few options. -  Carolyn, Lemon water is one drink both my wife and I can't drink. Dangerous bacteria (such as e-coli and coliform) are still found in chlorinated tap water on occasion. any disease or as a substitute for professional health care. Your Water Filter Options If you don’t go through a lot of drinking water, a water filter pitcher could be a good solution for you. Ozonation is a step in the right direction for these large cities and I would like to see other cities follow their example or find other non-toxic disinfection solutions. See "Chlorine in Tap Water - Why Use a Bath and Shower Filter?".; Water Chlorination: Is Chlorine in Drinking Water Safe? My hair hates hard water, which is everywhere these days. We are in our sixties and in very good health—well, better health now that we drink about 2 liters plus of water each day. It upsets our stomachs. A Final Thought. . The good news is that adding chlorine in drinking water has done a good job of killing off most microorganisms. All the fish die. Unfortunately, we are learning the hard way that our attempts to prevent illness by adding chlorine in drinking water has contributed to another problem—the increase of cancer and heart disease. Thus, relying on chlorine disinfection alone is a false guarantee that the water from your tap is safe to drink. Last I checked the cold water was 12.7C (about 54F), which is fine for my purposes anyway, being new to this, and evaporates from a hot bath to about 15C (59F), so I needn’t even run any more water to get a therapeutic bath. So I had to try this extremely reasonable filter that needs no tools, testosterone, or sweat to install. According to the,“One common factor among women with breast cancer is that they all have 50 to 60 percent higher levels of these chlorination by-products (THMs) in their fat tissue than women without breast cancer . Your article and findings are very helpful,  referring to dehydration." The bad news is that chlorine treatment does not absolutely ensure that by the time our drinking water comes out of our home faucet it is free of unhealthy microorganisms. Chlorine is an element found in nature and it is used to make sodium hypochlorite along with a vast range of other industrial and consumer products–e.g. Many municipalities add chlorine or chloramines to the water supply, which, in addition to having an unpleasant odor, can damage and dry your skin and hair. I have been wondering about this for years with no 'solid' answer. It has made so much difference to our digestive systems and recovery every day. So then, why are we drinking and showering in this chemical that kills another organism in a matter of hours? It has made so much difference to our digestive systems and recovery every day. This is exactly what I've been wanting to know! I remember as a kid you couldn't even use municipal tap water for the goldfish without letting the water sit for 24 hours. The addition of chlorine in drinking water has been the standard in water treatment in the United States since 1904. When this happens it is primarily due to problems related to the treatment system itself or to the transport of the water to our homes. "Chlorine in Tap Water - Why Use a Bath and Shower Filter? The best shower filter can improve the quality of the water you use, reducing dangerous chlorine vapors and reducing skin and hair problems. The most powerful and cost-effective way to get chlorine-free water is to invest in a whole house water filter or to purchase a drinking water filter and/or bath and shower filter for your home. All rights reserved. The laundry smells fine after washing but if it gets wet from bath water, sweat, etc, it develops a strong and unpleasant smell. Thank you for this share..." by Andy, "Thank you for the information, Nancy. A handful of cities such as Las Vegas, Nevada, and Santa Clara, California, have begun treating their water through a process called ozonation. Water filters and purifiers work by removing toxins, microbes and dangerous chemicals from the water you drink, leaving only the purest nourishing liquid for you to refuel your body. Copyright 2010-2020 "The drinking of chlorinated water has finally been officially linked to an increased incidence of colon cancer. The most powerful and cost-effective way to get chlorine-free water is to invest in a whole house water filter or to purchase a drinking water filter and/or bath and shower filter for your home. It is more expensive for the city, but the side effects are minimal. PVC (polyvinyl chloride), to bleach paper pulp white, and to kill bacteria in drinking water and swimming pools. Thus, I highly recommend a tap water filter at the point-of-use (your water faucet) to ensure adequate filtration of unhealthy micro-organisms, as well as other many other contaminants, that could end up in your drinking water.