It's been going on for a while and I've been putting him on tummy control (beapher) and it had seemed to work but not so much any more. She won't move her legs much and at times will just lie down on her side and not even move. I know how to check if they have it, but my guinea pigs are too struggly and they will NEVER let me do it! This is what she wrote, and I have included it here to show that such introductions can be successful if you are patient and watchful. They are more inclined to return affection than the male is. Guinea pigs must continuously graze on food to keep their digestive system working. See your vet to resolve any health issues. Female guinea pigs have a little shorter lifespan than male guinea pigs. Gibson SV, Wagner JE, Typpo JT, Link JE, Kelley ST, Cornwell SE, McDonald PS. So this has led me to give her a bath whenever it happens. She doesn't move around much lately, and the little she does seems painful and uncomfortable. Guinea pigs tend to live to between 4 and 8 years of age. A good example is a cage 42 by 24 inches, or 106 by 61 centimeters. An impacted guinea pig will need to be cleaned out every week in accordance with Part 2 above. Additionally, the development of smegma (the cheesy and smelly secretion from the sebaceous glands) can be a health concern. Determining the difference between a male and female guinea pig requires a closer look at their reproductive organs. See also: Ovarian Cysts; LIFE EXPECTANCY. He has arthritis and he also suffers from impaction. 7. Once you can see the penis and the testicles, gently spread apart the opening where the poo factory is. I have one pig who has a similar problem to your boy - that is soft poo seems to accumulate in the pouch. Gently hold your guinea pig against you, revealing its bottom part. My best friend has a female guinea pig named Pokey, who has an impaction, I believe. I'm worried about my piggy, and I don't want him to get impaction. A 30 by 36 inch cage is also a good choice. (It looked kindof like my guinea pig was having trouble dropping fecal pellets, so I'm worried about him.) A number of problems can occur if your guinea pig is left un-sterilised, including ovarian cysts and reproductive tumours in females and faecal impaction in males. Proper weight and age. Pellets provide vegetable matter combined with vitamin C, but if your cavy eats too many in proportion to his regular diet he may get constipated. Female guinea pigs can, also, be moody due to hormonal swings. Male and female guinea pigs both look very similar, with a stocky, round body with no tail and a large head with a short nose. The only valid, non-medical reason to neuter your male guinea pig is because you have a female you want him to room with. Any help in this would be great. On average your Guinea Pig will eat around 150-200 of these pellets. As soon as it opens up, clean the anus with a tips of the cotton swab coated in mineral oil. Your guinea pig's daily diet should contain hay, clean water and fresh greens. This can also happen to boars in the prime of their lives. Statues dating from circa 500 BC to 500 AD that depict guinea pigs have been unearthed in archaeological digs in Peru and Ecuador. When you tip your Guinea Pig up you will be able to see the folds of the rectum. As female guinea pigs get older, there is a higher chance of struggling from the ovarian cysts or uterine infections. In actuality, this type of guinea pig does not make a good pet. I asked Lisa who recently adopted a partially sighted female guinea pig Primrose to write up her experience of introducing a new guinea pig into an already established group of one neutered male and three females. Some vets will do a blood test to check for hidden health problems. If you suspect any health problems, wait until your guinea pig is completely healthy. The guinea pig was first domesticated as early as 5000 BC for food by tribes in the Andean region of South America (the present-day southern part of Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia), some thousands of years after the domestication of the South American camelids. This can lead to impaction problems that require daily cleaning of the anal sac. Hold your guinea pig in a reclined position and gently pull back on either side of the anal sack. The reason its more common in males is because they have a much larger sac than females. I think he broke a foot, because he is limping awkwardly and is moving but resting for now Apr 23, 2017 9:06:06 GMT Neutering a guinea pig almost always eliminates these problems. When your Guinea Pig is suffering from Impaction this is where this vital pellets are trapped in the Perineal Sac and the harder pellets are pushed out of the rectum. Use some small scales, like kitchen scales, to check their weight usually adult males weigh between 800-1200g, females 800-1000g Extra large guinea pigs, also known as cuys (pronounced coo-ees), have been marketed in the United States as standard guinea pigs. I have found the female to be the more affectionate of the two. Your guinea pig should have already been seen by the vet prior to his castration appointment. I find that his pouch doesn't get impacted every day, but periodically it does need a I have a young female guinea pig. Well basically guinea pigs do two kinds of poop, soft caecal pellets that they eat and normal ones. Swirl one swab at a time around the inside of the area. When a guinea pig gets older, they are like other senior citizens in that some of their muscles loose their tone. Female guinea pigs, when spayed, have less likelihood of developing obesity. When older, many male guinea pigs (boars) no longer have the ability to push out their poop. Female guinea pigs are called sows; male guinea pigs are called boars. 8. Guinea pigs teeth dont need to be brushed at home or cleaned by a veterinarian regularly; however, guinea pigs that do not eat hay and simply eat crumbly, dry pellets do not wear down their teeth properly and frequently develop tooth root impaction (like wisdom tooth impaction in people) which leads to pain on chewing, drooling, and frequently, decreased appetite. One of these sets of muscles is the anal area. Diarrhea or soft poo is always a concern, if 1 Person found this answer helpful. Most take a bit longer however it is best to be safe. I'm not sure why you think impaction is a condition restricted to males only, but it's not- females and males can get impaction, bloat or total blockage. A Small Anatomy Lesson. The average life expectancy of a guinea pig is 5 to 7 years. Reserve fruits for occasional snacks as high sugar content upsets the digestive process. If there is impaction, this area would be filled with poop. Typically a male guinea pig lives longer than a female guinea pig, but it totally depends upon the diet and care provided to them. Pathogen-free female Hartley guinea pigs were divided into four diet groups to determine optimal nitrogen requirements for Guinea pig males should be separated from any females, including their mothers and sisters, by around 4 weeks of age as in some cases they can be reproductively active from then. However, the discussed problems can be resolved if the female guinea pig is spayed and male guinea pig is neutered. Your guinea pigs life expectancy. Okay, so my six year old Guinea Pig, Hurly has struggled to produce the usual shape stool you'd expect from a guinea pig, instead they have been soft, wet, and out of shape not like diarrhoea though. There is a key difference in the shape of the organs. Neutering a male guinea pig will not affect their behaviour like it can with some species and therefore it is not Goes by the name Hazel. Impaction is when teh muscles that expel the cecal pellets weaken and so they kind of gather in the perineal sac. I have noticed lately the one of my pigs has been getting diarrhea quite frequently. Guinea pigs anal impaction removal. If a guinea pig becomes infected, the illness may take several courses: 1) infection may spread to the bloodstream and cause sudden death; 2) infected guinea pigs may lose weight, develop diarrhea, and die over the course of 3 to 4 weeks; 3) lymph nodes in the neck or shoulder may enlarge; or 4) your pet may be infected without seeming sick. My guinea pig just fell like a foot off the ground into a trash can, he was wriggling because I was trying to dry him because he got wet. Although if proper diet and care are provided to them, then they may live up to 6-8 years as well. While all guinea pigs both male and female have grease glands, some are much more active than others. In addition to providing seven square feet of space for your guinea pig to run around in, your cage should be at least 12 to 18 inches tall. - As male guinea pigs age, some boars will develop an impaction problem when they get older. Male guinea pigs have a longer lifespan. In almost all cases sterilised guinea pigs will bond better with their owners and other guinea pigs. The recommended guinea pig cage size for a single guinea pig is seven square feet of space. Guinea pig bloat occurs when gas builds up in your pets gastrointestinal intestinal tract. Impaction. Ideally bring your guinea pigs indoors and sit them on a towel so they are comfy. Colonic impaction in guinea pigs fed a chemically defined diet: a case report. Well I noticed that her rear seems to be extended. How to health check your guinea pig. Males can be castrated and this is the most suited option if they will not pair with a male and need to be paired with females. I read about impaction in males, but have found no info if females can have this problem to. OK I need help. The grease gland may be virtually invisible and suddenly come to life during puberty or new situations. So if you decide to adopt, make sure you are there for the long haul! If a guinea pig becomes impacted, which can often happen in older boars, the faecal mass needs to be manipulated out, and then left in case the guinea pig needs to ingest some of it. I've had 3 boars with impaction & have got used to cleaning out their 'pouch'! Male guinea pigs are particularly prone to the mucky stuff building up back there, but it can still occur in some gals. Impaction is the hard swelling of the anal muscles to the point that the guinea pig is unable to pass softer caecal pellets (cecotropes). Guinea pig grease gland cleaning Not being able to do it due to a series of stressful situations, tooth problems, and even being unable to successfully digest food due to lack of fiber and water or due to the presence of hard-to-digest food in their meal will cause their digestive system to get out of whack. Mounting: A female guinea pig that is suddenly constantly chasing and mounting her cage mate may have a hormonal problem. What are the symtoms of guinea pig impaction?

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