• Pharmacists already play an active role in coaching patients on potential side effects of their medications and why it is important to take them exactly as prescribed. 13 The role of the community pharmacist is essential in the provision of pharmaceutical care. Community-based pharmacy practice takes place in settings where patient care is delivered outside of the inpatient health-system setting. OBJECTIVE: To describe the pharmaceutical care activities and research in community pharmacy in the Netherlands. • The community pharmacy often becomes the de facto community health center, with pharmacists acting as the first point of care. The Keller Army Community Hospital Pharmacy continues “in-car medication delivery” for all patients who do not otherwise need to enter the hospital. The ‘pharmaceutical care of vulnerable patients’ and the ‘effective use of [the] community pharmacy workforce’ were both identified in Prescription for Excellence and as such, are less likely to be included in the TRiaDS‐P programme because they will receive national attention and development. In Denmark, pharmaceutical care has been included in professional standards of practice for community pharmacy since 1995.26 As in Sweden, however, its implementation has long been hampered by privacy issues surround- [citation needed] Payment to community pharmacies is largely out of pocket and may be covered by the National Health Insurance Program in listed community pharmacies. Pharmaceutical care is well advanced in Dutch pharmacy practice. This was a landmark paper because it marked the start of the international movement to make pharmaceutical care more visible, and get the term and the type of care implemented in hospital and community pharmacy practice. pharmaceutical care was held in 1993,25 but there seem to have been few subsequent devel-opments in practice. Provincial pharmacy organizations and The British Columbia community pharmacy asthma health research bodies, the pharmaceutical industry, and study demonstrated the positive impact of pharmaceutical the Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy also are contribu- care on economic, clinical, and quality-of-life outcomes in tors to pharmacy practice research. Pharmaceutical care The pharmaceutical care is defined as “The responsible provision of drug therapy for the purpose of achieving definite therapeutic outcomes that improve the patients quality of life” These outcomes are : Cure of the disease Elimination or reduction of patient`s symptomology Arresting or slowing of a disease process Outpatient Pharmaceutical Care. These priorities for the future of NHS pharmaceutical care that are set out in this strategy, integrated within a modern digitally-enabled health and social care system in Scotland, have the potential to open up new and rewarding career pathways for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians in increasingly clinical roles. FINDINGS: Pharmaceutical care is well advanced in Dutch pharmacy practice. During the following years both authors worked to make the concept applicable in practice. Keywords: Legislation, pharmaceutical, pharmaceutical care, pharmaceutical services Introduction Changes in the nation’s health care system, especially the growth of managed care and integrated health systems, are stimulating adoption of primary care as a way of meeting basic health care needs and managing access to specially services. This is largely due to the fact that clinical pharmacy was already an integrated part of community pharmacy … This is largely due to the fact that clinical pharmacy was already an integrated part of community pharmacy practice by the end of the 1980s. Drug information and patient counseling provided on New and Refilled prescriptions for all eligible beneficiaries.

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