"――Goton, Qal Sisma shaman運命再編, 「そして気付いたのだ。我々は皆、中に骸骨を持っていることを。それを支配するのに、なぜ身体が死すのを待たねばならん?」――ネファリアのグール呼び、ジャダー"And then I realized we all have skeletons on the inside. This often differs from printed text, especially on older cards. Maybe video games? We had art on our cards and flavorful flavor text. "――Raf Gyel of the Quiver of Kessig異界月, 縫い師や屍錬金術師にとっては、終夜作業し続けられることが重要である。For stitchers and necro-alchemists, it's important that work can continue at all hours.イニストラードを覆う影, 「我々が見つけ出すことがないほど深く埋められた秘密など存在しない。」――スゥルタイの屍術士、クルタール"There is no secret buried so deep that we will never find it. For those of you who don't want to go through the entire list, or if you're new to Magic and want to just hit some highlights, check out my Favorites section right up at the top. flavor The flavor text of the card. "イニストラード, 鉱物を食うほど、その身体は錬金術師市場で人目を引くようになる。The more metal it digests, the more its jelly will fetch on the alchemists' market.コンフラックス, The traditional kings of the jungle command a healthy respect in other climates as well. flavor The flavor text of the card. "――Mirri of the Weatherlightテンペスト, 「群れに軽視されている狼に出会ったら、十分な注意が必要だな。」――ケッシグの矢筒のラフ・ギエル"When you confront a wolf scorned by its pack, extra caution is the order of the day. Magic: The Gathering has spent nearly 25 years bringing us to weird, wonderful worlds through its cards, thanks to their gorgeous art but also through the lore-filled “flavor text” on each card. Only then can you truly act. レギオン, Sometimes it is better to be swift of foot than strong of swordarm. ――Lovisa Coldeyes, Balduvian chieft... Magic: The Gathering ”Flavor Text collection”. All images are copyright 1994-2009 Wizards of the Coast. I've divided up my cards by set (in chronological order) and listed my cards in alphabetical order. The Multiverse is the shared fictional universe depicted on Magic: The Gathering cards, novels, comics, and other supplemental products. フォールン・エンパイア. Support the Show! The collectible card game Magic: The Gathering published seven expansion sets from 1993–1995, and one compilation set. My bread-and-butter over the past few years in the freelance writing field has been writing names and flavor text for Magic: the Gathering. ... with thinner numbers and thoughtful names. As such, it has a special place in my heart. Play our Magic The Gathering quiz games now! These sets contained new cards that "expanded" on the base sets of Magic with their own mechanical theme and setting; these new cards could be played on their own, or mixed in with decks created from cards in the base sets. Portal is the name given to the three Magic: The Gathering starter level sets. It important to note that I am not a person with a visible disability and any discussion of a group of people is incomplete without their direct input and lived experience. Some of the quotes may be about torture, morbid humor, or other dark themes. メルカディアン・マスクス, 彼の心臓にミラーリは燃える。 The Mirari burns in his heart. This is the Magic: The Gathering SDK Javascript implementation. They attack with no thought for our strength or of their own losses. Heliosphoros. This spell costs less to cast, where X is the greatest power among creatures you control. Most blamed the goblins; none guessed the truth. This week: Green, Black, and Artifacts. I seriously love this new set–it features a little bit of everything, from Ravnica to Dominaria and back again. My enemy's anger is my strength." Magic: The Gathering ”Flavor Text collection” 10.21.2017. He knew just the spell to liven the place up.コンフラックス 基本セット2010, 「この手の刀剣には様々な物語があるもんじゃ。」――ラトスタイン翁"There is a rich history in a blade like this. http://patreon.com/magicshowWhat is the best flavor text in the game? "――Garruk Wildspeaker, to Liliana Vess闇の隆盛, 'Tis now the very witching time of night,/ When churchyards yawn and hell itself breathes out/ Contagion to this world.――William Shakespeare, Hamletレジェンド, 「可憐な花の千々に咲き、なれの墓より茂るごと、試練の兵よ戻り来て、共に再び戦わん。」"Little flower twirl and bloom, arise from this your rocky tomb. Obliterate. Over 500 trivia questions to answer. We had art on our cards and flavorful flavor text. The piece eventually published for Organ Grinder was one of the pieces I wrote for this test, for a zombie card that had no resemblance to Organ Grinder. The flavor text on the original Lhurgoyf is infamous in magic lore, spawning not only a reference on Revenant's flavor text, but also a short story explaining the flavor text in the Monsters of Magic anthology and its own card in Magic's second humor expansion, Unhinged, as well as one of the quote's speaker in Time Spiral. Thus, certain cards have flavor text only in their foil version. Till Next! On a more poignant level, the flavor text from Recover was one that struck me as very moving from when I first started playing. I promise to try to update with new sets as they get printed, and as links change because of reprintings. Oracle text differs from errata text … Black is one of the five colors of mana in Magic: The Gathering. But since I generally trust my memory in this kind of thing, yet still want to be accurate, I put in this note. Oh, and as an additional note, you might see cards on my list that quote real world sources. プロフェシー. (h/t Star City Games ) Bob Ross Plains So, for Armsy flavor text, I was thinking of something like: It is innately human for one to try and tower above others-Though rarely does one accomplish it by minimizing themselves From art and flavor text to comics to novels, the many worlds of the Magic: the Gathering multiverse are an expansive and exciting place. Click on a link, and you'll see the Gatherer entry for that card. ... Archive; RSS; Taking asks and requests. However, the most universal way is to sort them by rarity, and experienced players can tell a card's rarity at a glance. If you want to discuss the art, setting, stories, or flavor of Magic, this is the place for you. Death, disease, selfishness, power at any cost - these are the twisted values of the darkness. "マジック・オリジン, 彼らはある理由から'家禽'と呼ばれているのよ。――ウェザーライトの戦士、ミリー"They are called 'fowl' for a reason. We'll start it at a mere ten cards for now, and expand it (only a very little!) A diverse community of players devoted to Magic: the Gathering, a trading card game ("TCG") produced by Wizards of the Coast and originally designed by Richard Garfield. (?) (#) Sorry for the bad picture. re: Favorite Flavor Text Their are so many....but i would say off the top of my head. and I will bring the fury of the wild back to my village. Magic: The Gathering Arena is available now, free-to-play, via the Epic Games Store on PC and Mac, with a mobile version of the game in the works for early 2021. The Most Efficient Creatures in Magic History | MTG Countdown By Riley Knight / December 23, 2019 December 23, 2019 A huge archive of Magic The Gathering trivia quizzes in the hobbies category. A huge archive of Magic The Gathering trivia quizzes in the hobbies category. One of the most iconic elements of Magic: The Gathering is the tiny snippets of lore written on the bottom of each card, known as “flavor text” to fans. Art, Flavor, & Storylines. “The enemy has been destroyed, sir. With Commander Legends a few short weeks away, the various legendary Commanders at its heart are taking the spotlight. — Power/Toughness: 5/5 Flavor Text: The … "――Old Rutsteinイニストラードを覆う影, チョー=アリムの者たちは、その風を「レイモスの激怒」と呼んでいる。 The Cho-Arrim call it "the fury of Ramos." "――Hakim, Loreweaverミラージュ, あいつの舌は蜂蜜でできているのかい。くだらん蟻どもが援軍きどりでよく集まってくるじゃないか。――ヴォルラス>"His tongue must be honey, the way he gathers ants to fight with him. Posted by Mindkaiser on April 24, 2007. Browse through cards from Magic's entire history. This may not match what is on the card as MTGJSON corrects many card misprints. The Flavor of Magic. "――The Dynasty of Winter Kingsコールドスナップ, 犠牲者名簿より、彼らの悲しみの表情の方が多くを語る。Their grieving faces tell far more than a list of casualties ever could.レギオン, 「うちの御者連中は信頼できるぜ。俺がこの手で舌を抜いたからな。他に知りたいことは?」"My drivers are trustworthy. Creativity is more important than power.――Zur the Enchanterアイスエイジ, Farrel and his followers became a formidable band of vigilantes, battling Icatians and followers of Tourach.フォールン・エンパイア, 「お前のヴェールの呪いでも私は止められん、死魔道士よ。私は数え切れない程の夜の狩人どもを倒してきたし、この闇の次元もお前が隠れられるほど広くはなさそうだ。」――野生語りのガラクからリリアナ・ヴェスへ"Your veil's curse won't stop me, deathmage. With Magic 's … * Each Monday on the Roundup, you’ll get to see a few of last week’s, ah… best entries. RSS feed Mobile Archive Search Ask me anything Submit a post . Magic: The Gathering is a trading card game first published by Wizards of the Coast in 1993.Magic can be played by two or more players in various formats, the most common of which uses a deck of 60+ cards, either in person with printed cards or using a deck of virtual cards through the web-based Magic: The Gathering Online.. Two fonts have bee used for the logo of … Footnote 2: This card is my only Magic "creative perfecta." I’ve been thinking a lot about Magic: The Gathering recently what with my Magic Duels series being well underway. Fine Folk. — Flavor Text: These days, some wizards are finding that they have a little too much spell left at the end of their mana. It is Tevesh Szat who will claim your soul. ... with thinner numbers and thoughtful names. On a more poignant level, the flavor text from Recover was one that struck me as very moving from when I first started playing. Thank you so much those who have already contributed! number The card number. transgendent. Stick-figure comic strips featuring humor about the Magic: The Gathering collectible card game. I have been given credit for this card by the creative Powers That Be, but I don't recall writing the actual text. Magic: Expanded Multiverse Feel free to submit all of your favorite examples. 100% fan-driven! Just want to talk Magic? Click on a link, and you'll see the Gatherer entry for that card. I will be posting mine. ), created the name, and wrote the flavor text. – Andrew Jan 19 '18 at 16:20 | 呪い破り/Cursebreak. artist The artist of the card. ナヤに再び姿を現したジャンドの死者の骨は、密林を毒し、太陽の種蒔きの実りを失わせた。The bones of Jund's dead resurfaced in Naya, poisoning the jungle and killing the sunseeders' crops.コンフラックス, Chains of leaping fire and sizzling lightning laid waste the artificers' handiwork, sparing not a single device.アンティキティー リバイズド, サソリとは違って、エリシゾンは自分自身の武器に対する免疫を持っていない。Unlike scorpions, the erithizon isn't immune to its own weaponry.メルカディアン・マスクス, 真実の光の中、幻影の網が解きほぐれる。Webs of illusion unravel in the light of truth.ジャッジメント, 「……だから私は、荒野の怒りと共に村に戻ったのです。」". ネメシス. Just want to talk Magic? My research leads me to believe it was either Skaff or Jim that came up with the original flavor text (it was … This is a blog exclusively for The posting of awesome magic the gathering flavor texts and images. Search for the perfect addition to your deck. I concepted the card art (or at least I'm almost certain I did; it's been a long time! Join us discussing news, tournaments, gameplay, deckbuilding, strategy, lore, fan art, cosplay, and more. When wave upon wave of our dead return as mindless flesh-eaters to claw upon Thraben's walls? http://patreon.com/magicshowWhat is the best flavor text in the game? 729. "闇の隆盛, The Yeti's single greatest asset is its unnerving ability to blend in with its surroundings.レジェンド, 弱い相手は、殺すか、無視するかだ。ほかは相手をつけあがらせる。――ケアヴェク"If it is weak, either kill it or ignore it. Sizzle. I'm proud of many of the names I've written for cards (such as the Onslaught pit fighter legends like Rorix Bladewing and the now-staple card Naturalize). Its spells and abilities … Flavor Text and Art in Magic The following article discusses, in part, the often negative representation of people with visible disabilities in media. "――Kaervekミラージュ 第6版 第9版, 乱動の混乱とエルドラージによる破壊の後もなお、ゼンディカーは美しい世界であった。Despite the chaos of the Roil and the devastation of the Eldrazi, Zendikar is a world of breathtaking beauty.ゲートウォッチの誓い, Be open to the blessings, whatever their form.――Kaysa, Elder Druid of the Juniper Orderアライアンス, ミリーはもう休みたかった。しかし、クロウヴァクスのこそこそした態度への疑惑の念をどうしても振り払うことができず、後をつけた。All Mirri wanted to do was rest, but she couldn't ignore a nagging suspicion as she followed Crovax's skulking form.エクソダス, 「あの化け物と比べたら、どうして人狼が忌まわしいなんて言えるわけ?」――アーリン・コード"How can werewolves be considered abominations next to such creatures? number The card number. Gatherer is the Magic Card Database. "――Rem Karolus, Blade of the Inquisitors闇の隆盛, レイモスが触れると、そこに生命が生まれた。Ramos touched, and there was life.メルカディアン・マスクス, More than lessons may be gained from the past.――Halvor Arensson, Kjeldoran Priestアライアンス, 正しい目的のために戦うことは、それ自体が強さの源泉になるんだ。Fighting for the right reason is itself a source of strength.メルカディアン・マスクス 第8版, 「血の渇きが私を支配することはない。なぜなら私の誓約こそが私にとっての最大の強制力なのだから。」"The bloodlust shall not control me, for my oath is my greatest compulsion. Flavor Text: "My enemy's hatred is his weakness. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Olivia - Darkrealmist - Magic: The Gathering (Card Game) [Archive of Our Own] Main Content Joe filecards and Transformers tech-specs, but is now more commonly associated with games such as Magic: The Gathering.The term itself was coined by the production manager at Wizards of the Coast in early 1993 during the production of it. Over 500 trivia questions to answer. Search for the perfect addition to your deck. "――Kurtar, Sultai necromancer運命再編, On this site where Kjeld's blood was spilled, let none raise a fist or deny a beggar.――Halvor Arenson, Kjeldoran priestアイスエイジ, この雑食性のゴリラたちは、果物とファイレクシア人が半々という食生活に何の懸念も抱いていない。These omnivorous gorillas have no qualms about a diet composed of equal parts fruit and Phyrexians.アポカリプス, 剣で切れそうなほどの濃霧なら見たことがあるが、こっちに切りかかってくる霧なんて見たことがない。――ウェザーライトの副長、ターンガース"I've seen fog so thick you could cut it, but none that could cut me. Show/Hide Avatars. I assume their records are more accurate than my memory, but for accuracy's sake, I mark it in this fashion. I have taken down countless night hunters and this dark plane is not big enough for you to hide. "――Gerrard, to Yawgmothアポカリプス, From down here we can make the whole wall collapse! Have a request? Background. "アヴァシンの帰還, 「過去の枷は粉砕せねばならぬ。そうして初めて真に行動できるのだ。」――審問官の刃、レム・カロラス"You must shatter the fetters of the past. The literal and graphical information presented on this site about Magic: The Gathering, including card images, the mana symbols, and Oracle text, is copyright Wizards of the Coast, LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. Scryfall is not produced by, endorsed by, supported by, or affiliated with Wizards of the Coast. It tells so much in only a few words. Flavor text was popularized by the dossiers of 1980s toys, primarily G.I.

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