I am the firstborn son of my Father, whom you claim to know, when in fact you are sons of the devil. Jesus repeatedly refers to his Father (verses 16, 17, 19, 29, 38, 42, 49). They saw that Jesus was the Christ but they did not Why did Jesus spit for some of His miracles? We read these miracle accounts and fill in the punch line before we even consider the magnitude piled up in the specifics. Jesus did not die at the hands of a ruthless Father who needed to be appeased. He is the one who means to make his blessings flow, ‘far as the curse is found’ as we like to sing this time of year. Why does Jesus spit on the ground and make clay to anoint the blind man's eyes? Ex 21:24; Lev 24:19-20). Questions for David French on the Connections between the Atlanta Killer and Purity Culture, Dane Ortlund: Showing Honor to Whom Honor Is Due, How We Declare, Like Peter, “Never, Lord!”, Sneak Peek Interview: Christina Fox (Again! This is due to the Savior’s powerful and gracious compassion. Three times in the Bible, Jesus spit to heal people. There he would suffer the wrath of men as he anticipates the wrath of God. From Pastor Russ: After my message on Sunday, Suzanne Buckentin shared this information with me. This is the same reason why the Jews rejected Jesus. Bourgeois is one of many that see this healing of the blind ), A Burden Removed: A Biblical Path for Removing the Racism of Our Forefathers. He would cleanse us, heal us, restore us, make us new. How would you feel if … Let’s see how this fits the context, particularly in the previous chapter of John 8. This blind man … And Jesus then does two unexpected things. This would not be the last time that fluid from within Jesus would become symbolic for healing of those afflicted by the curse. Is the need to wash the anointing off significant? These words raised the hackles of his listeners because it is an echo of how God describes himself from the burning bush, where Moses was told the name of God: “I AM WHO I AM”, and “I AM has sent me to you”. Surely you see the connection now. Lev. This event illustrates not only the lesson Jesus was trying to teach, but it also reveals how an understanding of the religious and cultural milieu of the day can enrich your understanding of the Book. The immediate context of this healing is a discussion (argument?) Sometimes he would pray for them. Why did Jesus use Sometimes he would lay hands on them. In due time this same powerfully compassionate Jesus would punctuate his ministry at the end of his death march to Golgotha. So, it would appear to me that there is some significance for why this healing happened this way. But further still, he is the one who gives sight to the blind. Jesus healed the sick. When Jesus healed a man born … In John 9, Christ encounters a blind man and, after saying a few words to His disciples; He squats down, spits on the ground and makes a bit of mud with His spittle. See him dip his finger in the great ocean of his blood and reapply. So why did Jesus spit on the ground and put mud in the man’s eyes? Verse 41), thereby insinuating that his birth was illegitimate. In this sermon outline we ask the question why would Jesus put clay on a blind man's eyes and try to give a reason for Him to do so to the blind man. (Exodus 3:13-14). Sometimes he would heal them with words. He would soon be slain like a lamb on the altar of the cross. Did you ever wonder why, in all these three healings, why Jesus spit? We’ll examine specifically the blind man in John 9 because there we get a hint of the context behind the practice. I believe everything Jesus did was to help us in our knowledge of … The passage is familiar. All who have been graciously, sovereignly, compassionately touched by the Savior and received the healing blood of his cross, we can see. 12:14; Dt. And why are they blind in the first place? Jesus’ repudiation of taking an “eye for an eye,” is explicitly commanded in the OT (e.g. The Bible says “He was pierced through for In this incident we know of course that the miracle of restoring the blind man’s sight demonstrates that Jesus is Son of God (Mark 1.1). They saw the flesh and not the divine Savior. In effect he was saying, “I am who I say I am. And there were three times when he healed with his saliva. One could argue that he used the dirt and spit to heal the blind mans eyes, regardless it was a Miracle. He is the one who rescues from sin, Satan, and death. And there were three times when he healed with his saliva. Indeed, in Deuteronomy, the command is not merely about how much punishment is allowed; it’s about how much WHY DID JESUS PUT MUD ON A BLIND MAN'S EYES? Why did He not just heal these three people, as He did all the others, without spittle? The witness of the gospels is that Jesus died at the hands of ruthless men, Jew and Gentile, representing religion and empire joined as one to damn Answer: Near Decapolis , some people brought Jesus a deaf man who could hardly talk. Sometimes he would lay hands on them. (Mark 7:31-33, Mark 8:22-23, John 9:11). 8.25). At the surface, Jesus' words, “I For this man who was born blind, Jesus uses His spit and mud applied to the man’s eyes in order to restore the man’s sight. It was a way of anointing the man's eyes which were then healed miraculously.AnswerMark 6:5-6 states that, in his own country, Jesus could do no mighty work except heal a few sick people. in John 8 between Jesus and the religious leaders about who exactly Jesus was. So, Jesus used spit to show them first His desire and intent to bless them that they may have hope. 15:8), but that spitting on someone is considered to be an insult (Cf. This is a bit odd, don’t you think? He blogs at Ordinary Pastor. 8.24). He has divine power because he is God. Treasury of Scripture And he took him aside from the multitude, and put his fingers into his ears, and he spit, and touched his tongue; Why would Jesus touch the blind man twice to heal him, surely He had the power to heal him right the first time. Why did Jesus come to earth Jesus Christ came to earth as part of the plan of salvation. (Mark 7:31-33, Mark 8:22-23, John 9:11). We are seeing better. Why Did Jesus Mix Spit And Mud To Heal The Blind Man? Let’s consider some of the possible reasons why John records these words, and what he may have intended his readers to see in these simple words. It also answers that beginning question, “Why did Jesus spit?”, Copyright 2021 The Church of God International, Quoting from the Talmud, which represents the religious traditions and teachings of the rabbis of the day: “, There is a tradition that the spittle of the firstborn of a father is healing, but that of the firstborn of a mother is not healing.” (Bava Batra 126b). We get a hint of the answer from the context of the three accounts of such healings we find in the Gospels. The religious leaders, who knew a bit of Jesus’ history, couldn’t resist reminding Jesus of their suspicions around the circumstances of his birth (“We are not born of fornication. Jesus healed the man, of course, but in an interesting manner: “Jesus put his fingers into the man’s ears. Jesus healed the sick. But, don’t look away discouraged. Jesus spit on the ground, made mud and placed it on the blind man’s eyes. When Jesus had said this, He spit on the ground, made some mud, and applied it to the man's eyes. He and his wife, Christie, have six children. Jesus escapes their wrath and immediately encounters the blind man whom he heals with a paste made from dirt and his saliva. Why did Jesus use such an odd medical procedure? Upon witnessing, listening, or discovering something shocking, it is customary for believers in this superstition to spit to prevent such a tragedy from occurring. Jesus only did this in this town. He looks up to heaven, "sighs" and says He even, at least one time, healed from afar. I would be interested in any ideas you might have as to this mystery. John 9:6-7 NIV After saying this, he Several times during this exchange Jesus subtly uses two words (“I am”) when referring to himself (“I am the light of the world”, “I am from above”, “I am not of this world”, “I am he”, “Now I am here”, “You will realize that I am he”), and in due time he is not so subtle (“Before Abraham was, I am”). In Mark 7:32-35, a deaf man with a speech impediment was brought to Jesus. Jesus would take his own blood and shed it for us. He would apply his blood to us. You can follow him on Twitter. One reason is that saliva was considered medicinal in ancient times, especially for eye disease. Jesus takes his spit and rubs it on the blind man’s eyes. Why did Jesus spit? “Jesus spit on the ground, made some mud with the saliva, and put it own the man’s eyes” (John 9:6). So when Jesus came across a man born blind, why resort to this odd treatment: “He [Jesus] spit on the ground. Quoting from the Talmud, which represents the religious traditions and teachings of the rabbis of the day: “There is a tradition that the spittle of the firstborn of a father is healing, but that of the firstborn of a mother is not healing.” (Bava Batra 126b). See the Savior touch again. "In fact, the Hebrew Bible not only informs us that spit from a person afflicted with genital excretions is unclean (Cf. Maybe too familiar. Sometimes he would pray for them. In order for salvation to happen Jesus Christ must atone meaning-making amends for our sins. In the first case, near Decapolis Jesus healed a man who was deaf and near-mute by putting his fingers into the man’s ears, then … The Gospel Coalition supports the church by providing resources that are trusted and timely, winsome and wise, and centered on the gospel of Jesus Christ. By the end of Jesus’ “discussion” with the religious leaders, they knew exactly what Jesus was implying about his identity, and they attempted to stone him to death for such blasphemy (John 8:59). Copyright © 2021 The Gospel Coalition, INC. All Rights Reserved. Many People usually ask themselves of: why did Jesus spit on the ground to heal the blind from his birth with mud ? We are loving more. Those might be the reactions when someone reads Mark 8:23. This act of Jesus was to reinforce his argument that everything he had said about himself was true. One of the great tragedies of our Christian experience is familiarity with Jesus. Although there was no hypothetical healing quality in spit, using spit was only an action that would strengthen the faith of the sick and allow them to take hold on … Jesus Spit in His Eyes Mark 8:22-26 Aug. 6, 2006 FBC, Chester Mike Fogerson, Pastor Introduction: And they came* to Bethsaida. But think with me about these familiar details. He means for us to see. Three accounts in the New Testament tell us how, on different occasions, Jesus healed individuals in what seem to be very strange ways. When Jesus had said this, He spit on the ground, made some mud, and applied it to the man's eyes. Please make sure all fields are filled out. This blood of Christ is sin atoning, enemy reconciling, sight giving, blood. What does this represent? And they brought* a blind man to Jesus … (Mk. Jesus’ spitting into the face/eyes of this man would have been seen as both disgraceful and disgusting. And he took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the village, and when he had spit on his eyes and laid his hands on him, he asked him, “Do you see anything?” (Mar 8.23). And he took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the village, and when he had spit on his eyes and laid his hands on him, he asked him, “Do you see anything?” (Mar 8.23) One of the great tragedies of our Christian experience is familiarity with Jesus. What was the significance of the suffering and crucifixion of Jesus? The passage is familiar. ), Sneak Peek Interview: Quina Aragon (Again! The leaders accused him of demonic possession, of being a Samaritan, and of being of illegitimate birth. A Second Adam to the Fight and to the Rescue Came. Treasury of Scripture And he took the blind man by the hand, and led him out of the town; and when he had spit on his eyes, and put his hands on him, he asked him if he saw ought. Exploring some of the questions raised in Mark 8 when Jesus heals a blind man, and what that means for us as believers today. Num. Tom: Naaman says well why are you making The section leading up to Jesus healing of blind Bartimaeus in Mark 10 is thus revealed to be, like the two-part healing of the blind man, the healing of the disciples partial sight. He made some mud and smeared it on the man’s eyes. Why Did Jesus Spit? Yet there is more here than meets the eye. Christ would shed and apply this blood for us that we might, like this blind man, see. Affiliate disclosure: As an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases on Amazon.com. By uCatholic - June 9, 2017 15231 4 Facebook Twitter Google+ Pinterest WhatsApp It is one of the most curious episodes in the Gospel. Question: "Why did Jesus spit for some of His miracles?" He even, at least one time, healed from afar. He used spit and dirt and placed it on the eyes of the blind man. They saw the flesh and not the divine Savior. That´s simple! Therefore, Jesus is the great restorer of humanity. Yes we all, like this guy from Bethsaida, have some blurriness of sight (Mk. Disgusting, puzzling, strange, weird, that’s terrible! It is because of the curse of sin. Erik Raymond is the senior pastor at Redeemer Fellowship Church in Metro Boston. 25:9)" Jesus does … Sometimes he would heal them with words. Jesus spit in a poor blind man’s eyes. In Genesis man was created from the dirt/dust of the earth. That is why the people did not take offense as compared to the “eat my flesh and drink my blood”. Moreover, spitting is Moreover, spitting is traditional at something marvelous to defend against the Evil Eye (spiritual ability to injure a person). Then he said, ‘Go and wash off the mud in Siloam Pool,’” (). If Jesus is using the idioms “good eye” and “evil eye” to mean generosity and greed with money, the teaching about ones “eye” now fits perfectly into a longer saying about how to … Jesus takes spit from his own mouth and applies it to the one who is so severely afflicted by the venom of sin’s curse. Maybe too familiar. The answer might be understood in terms of the religious leaders own tradition. Yes, you know I think there’s another aspect of this and it has to do with obedience.Jesus did something and the man was then to do something.I think of Naaman as well. The answer to why Jesus did this is found in the larger context. The first thing he does is take the man away from the crowd, put his fingers in the man's ears, and spit and touch the man's tongue (v33). In His miracles, Jesus usually just touched a person with His hands. He would stain that wood with crimson as he dies for sinners. We have one father – God. Though, in this as When Jesus healed the blind man with mud mortared with saliva, he was (beg your pardon) spitting in the eye of his enemies.

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